Chapter 4: The beginning lie(s)

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Warning: this chapter contains small amounts of cussing! It will contain some trauma in this story; Read on your own cause and own will. You've been warned.


I opened my eyes, I launched myself out of the bed. I was sitting on my bed, i held onto the sheets as hard as possible. I looked around my room. I was having another panic attack-. My chest felt heavy, i couldn't breath, i couldn't think. I was shaking-.

I tried to do those stupid relaxing techniques that Jen always did when she used to give me therapy. I guess it helped a bit. I reached over to my nightstand, grabbed some of my anti-depressants and popped some into my mouth. I just sat on my bed, rubbing my tired eyes. Another day i guess- a never ending repeating cycle.

I get up from the bed, walk over to my drawer, pulling out my uniform. i grabbed my towel and headed to a shower i had in my room. I looked at myself in the mirror. the explosion burns were still there. My face- It looked fine. i guess, my body didn't. God this made me look more like the monster i was. I let my horns, tail, and wings out of my skin. and got into the shower. My room is the only place where i can show who i truly am. The water was cold, but that's how i liked it.

I got out of the shower and dried myself. Before transforming back to me normal human self. i put on my uniform. I always made sure to get the most baggiest clothing. Covering myself. My hair was shorter, but it was growing back to my neck. I was tired of cutting my hair each time it kept growing. But i left it like that. I made sure to put black paint around my eyes. before i walked out of the bathroom and towards my drawer to pull out a mask.

It was a simple black mask, with a white painted design of a tiger's skull jaw. 
this is what the design looks like:

 this is what the design looks like:

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This mask, I didn't paint it. Jen was an art kid? I think that's what she liked to call herself. She painted the mask, and she used it during an old mission me and her served. She gave it to me as a gift. I hate thinking about her. In a sense that she's not with me.

I put on the mask, I doubled tapped on the side of the mask, turning on a voice changer that i added onto the mask. I then grabbed my jacket and some gloves and put them on. I grabbed my keys and walked out of my room. I locked the door behind me. And started to walk around the halls.

Walking down the base's hallways were usually chill, I saw more men than women in the base. I don't know I always tried my hardest to stay away from everyone, but its hard when your a sergeant and teaching new recruits. I'm no longer in combat classes or teach in those subjects, I decided to put all my time and effort into medicine. I've been teaching medicine and nursing to new recruiters. Something Jen would love to do.

I made it into one of the medicine practice rooms, where i usually taught new recruiters. And today I was going to get another batch of whiney recruiters. How fun. I saw the doors opened, and saw the new recruiter's that were going to learn medicine. And that's where I spot her-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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