『Chp. 0 2』

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₊˚ E M M A' S  P O V ₊˚
14th September, 2024

‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
My heart has been shattered into pieces,
all of them lost at sea.
The anxiety of it all increases.
I hope God hears my plea.

My soul has been forever lost.
I feel like there is no end.
My heart's covered with a layer of frost.
To thaw is a job to forever tend.

I hope one day to heal from this pain.
Maybe there is no end.
Even though my soul has been slain, to Heaven I will eventually ascend.

‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.

Even though there was no end to the pain, all I wished was for the pain to go away. 'Did I do some wrong?' 'Why am I being blamed?' 'Was my brother's death my fault?'
The nights now felt dull. It was as if there was no moon in the sky; maybe even the moon knew that the town has never felt this quiet. Everyone in the town was mourning, they all had their reasons, but no one mourned as much as my dad. Aidan was my father's favourite child. Even though there were only two he always preferred him. I could hear him downstairs, he was complaining to my mother about who and why did they killed him.
My feet led me towards the dining room and I realised that my parents weren't the only people who were present. There were a couple of officers which I assumed were for interrogation. I let the company know I was present with a small good morning. My mother rushed towards me and pulled me in a hug. She whispered in my ear so as the conversation was not overheared, "Don't reply to any of those questions, Emma. Just say that 'You're not going to speak without a lawyer.' and it will be okay." She landed a kiss on my cheek to not make them suspicious. One lady detective, Carla June, came up to me and smiled softly. "Can we talk in your room, Ms. Cooper?" I nodded and led her to my room. Aiden's room was exactly in front of mine. His room door was slightly ajar which made me wonder if they have already searched it. I opened my door to an clean and almost empty room.
Looking at my room it would not seem as if a person lived there. The only photo frames that were present in my room were me and Aidan, almost 5 with front two teeth missing. We were smiling so brightly, maybe the last time we smiled that big. The other one is a family photo with me, Aidan, mother, father and my aunt, Leslie. That was last time I saw her briefly. Since then we have just met once or twice. Me and Aiden were 15 then.
She was very pretty back then.
I could see Detective June searching my room, for any clues possible, with her eyes. Soon, her eyes reached mine and she smiled slightly and offered me to take a seat at my bed. She made herself comfortable on the green chair placing it beside the bed. I took the seat and looked at her, piercing her soul which made her gulp loudly.
"Miss Cooper, My name is Detective Carla June. I'm the head of this case. Do I have your consent to record your voice on tape recorder?" Her hands pressed the button as soon as I nodded. The tape was placed on the bed, beside me and I could see the seconds on the clock. 00.12. "Whenever you're ready, Cooper." I took a few deep breaths and looked at her.
"Okay, for the record, can you name yourself and your relation with the victim  please?"
"Emma Cooper, twin sister of Aidan Cooper"
"What were you doing the time Aidan died?"
"I was alseep in my bedroom."
"Can you explain the whole situation?"
"I was in my room, as you know, asleep. Then mother comes in my room and shouts that something happened to him...We rushed to site, but we were too late."
"The doctors pronounced dead at site. Around 11.30. They think that he was stabbed in his stomach several times before he was dead. I'm sorry if it's disturbing you."
"It's no problem. Do you have any idea on who might have done it?"

She looked at the photographs and back at me. I could sense that she was hiding something.  I raised an eyebrow at her. She shuffled in her seat couple of times before clearing her throat and replying.

"Did you know her well? Your aunt Leslie?"
"No. That was the last time I saw her."
"That's a lie, Ms. Cooper. You met her yesterday, didn't you?"
"Yes. Fine. I met her yesterday, but don't tell my father because he will get pretty mad. But why are you asking about her?"
"Because, Ms.Cooper, we think that your aunt Leslie is the murderer."
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
The twin necklace was hanging from my hand. The locket was dangling, the lock used on it was loose. The locket was opened by fingers before I even realised it. There were two pictures of us. The first one, on the left, was from the birth. Me and Aidan, wrapped in pink and blue cloth, chubby cheeks and sleeping soundly. The one on the right was from our last birthday. When we young and naive. I hated me back then.
There was a knock on the door.
My father, John Cooper, entered the room, he looked around for a while and his eyes landed on the photo frames, the one with the whole family. He took strides towards it and swiftly took it in his hand. My body, which was laying on the bed, immediately reacted to it and went forward to him. "I'm taking this with me. You don't need this frame." He stated and started to walk to the door. " What! No give this back!" I lunged towards him and fought for the frame. "Young lady! You will listen to me and listen now. We don't need photos of traitors in our home. You understand me?" He shouts very loudly.
I kept my calm and asked, "You
think so too then? You think that your own sister killed Aidan?" He takes a deep breath, maybe to keep his cool. "Yes. My sister is crazy, and I think that she is capable of murder. I'm not
saying that she definitely killed him. But I have a hunch." He leaves the room, once again leaving me in my own void of darkness.
All alone.

જ⁀➴ Hola! It's me, hi. I'm back with another chapter. Hope you guys like it. If there is any mistakes, politely correct them in the comments.
Leave a like/ comment if you wish. Thank you
~ F <3

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