『Chp. 0 5』

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˚ J A M E S'   P O V ˚
17th September, 2024

There was absolutely no noise around. The world was seemed quiet but there was nothing in sight and no sound of the air. The neighbourhood where no one settled in, was quiet for the first time. Maybe because of the death of fellow neighbour.
I was with Mia. We were returning from the hill when it happened. It felt as if I was made to be passing from the neighbourhood to help her. She laid there,helplessly, her head on the door, mouth wide open. Her hands trembling besides her body. Mia and I raced there as soon as we realised what had happened. It was her. Emma. Her breath was fast. I tried to wrap my arms around her, maybe helping her in the car but she fought me off. She pushed my arms and trashed in it. I pulled my arms away, not wanting to harm her. She laid her head on the knees and pulled her arms around her body. I wanted to calm her. I wanted her to know that it was okay, that it wasn't her fault and all I could think was to sing her. So I did.
At first I thought she didn't hear me but soon enough her breathing resumed and I could see the trembling get better. I took her in my arms and this time, she didn't fight it. I continued singing and Mia opened the back seat car door. I laid her there and I could see Mia take out a water bottle from her bag. I took it from her and kept it in Emma's lap. Mia then asked, "So...Should we wake her up?" I thought for a second. "Let's just leave." Mia opposed. "James! We can't leave her like this. We have to help her. For ged's sake, she has fainted! We can't leave her like this. Maybe her parents are around." She turned towards the mansion but I pulled her towards me. "No. We can't do that, Mi. If people see us like this, with her, they will assume that we did something to her. And that is not going to benefit us." I could tell I pissed her off but right now I couldn't care. "So, you're saying that we leave her? What if someone else saw her like this? Some one bad enough to do shit?" She folded her hands against her chest and stood protectively. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, I took a step back from the car and said, "Can't you see? In this situation, we ARE the bad guys. If anyone   sees us like this they will think we did something. We can not take that. Mi, please understand me. I'm sorry, okay? But we have to go." I pulled her slightly and she moved, accepting her defeat. I looked back at her, looking ever so peaceful. Knowing this will not last. I breathed quietly and pulled Mia with me. Hugging each other, from the sides, we continued our journey to respective hell.

‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.

˚ G I N N Y ' S   P O V ˚
17th September, 2024.

I reaached the mansion, parked my car and eyed the window on the left side. The memory of us running passed by. I twisted the ring given by him and try to calm myself. I take a quick look at the ring, the small emerald stone staring back at me. It was a beautiful ring, expensive as well. I exhaled and opened my car door. The twins' car was parked in the driveway, the door to the back seat was open. "Are you sleeping in there, Emma? I know it took me a long time to come but- OH MY GOD!" I could see her laying there, a big rash on her forearm and blood gushing out. Her eyes fluttered softly and she trued to open them but failed miserably and slumped down. I lifted up as much as I could but she wouldn't budge. I gave up, breathing heavily and called Rigins.

"Hey. Was just going to call you. Did Emma call you? I seem to have her missed calls? Is everything okay?

No! Nothing is okay! Emma has fainted and she has a big wound on her arm. She is sitting in her car and I'm so scared, Rigins.

Okay, okay, it's okay, first of all breathe. Take a big breath with me. And now, are you guys at her home?

Yes, yeah. We're on her driveway.

Okay, okay. I'm coming in few minutes. Should I call someone to help us? Maybe...

Her mom! Her mom would be home wouldn't she?

Yeah, yeah. She probably would be home. You talk to her, and don't panic, alright? It's okay. I'm bringing a friend. Bye.

Yeah okay. Bye, come fast please."

The call ended and I rushed to the door after safely securing Emma on the seat. I pressed the button for the door bell but no one answered. "Mrs. Cooper? Mrs. Cooper? Are you there, Emma has been injured and she has fainted. Where are you?" I started to pound on the door. But no one answered. I tried to open the door by it's knob but it was locked.
I looked around helplessly, hoping someone there might help us. But there was no body there. I started to move towards the car when a lady in the house in front of mansion came in my view. She was on the second floor, just staring at us creepily. She waved her hand when our eyes mer and smiled at me. I called her down for help but she just stayed there, staring at us. "Hello? Ma'am, I know that you don't know me but we need help. My friend here is hurt and she has fainted. Please help us.", I shouted as loud as I could but the toar of the car caught my attention; Rigins.
I could see Rigins come hurriedly towards me after closing door to his car. "Gin? Are you okay?" Without warning, he wrapped his arms around me, not caring about Emma. I then realised that I was having a panic attack. I could hear him whispering words to me, saying that she is going to be okay, that I don't have to worry about anything. I calmed down and he helped me with Emma. We took her to his car, and I moved towards my car. "Whoa! Hold on, you are not going in your car. You are coming with me. Darling, you just had a panic attack, you are not going to drive your car. Let it be here. We will pick it up later. Go to the passenger side." With much distaste I settled in the passenger seat and my eyes traveled to the lady on the second floor but I sat up straight when I realised that she was still sitting there, now with a cup of tea with her. She sipped her tea and then tilted her head, a mask of confusion, I shuddered involuntarily. I tapped Rigins on his shoulder and asked if he can see that lady. He moved a little closer to me, his eyes searching the house when suddenly he asked to me, "What lady, Gin?"
I could feel the uneasy feeling trapping me inside and I think Rigins also realised that because he started the car quickly and took a speed.

‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
We reached the hospital when my phone pinged with a message.
It was a post from The Eastwood Highest.
Shit! What did he write now? If he wrote anything about my Aidan, I swear to god I will kill him.
When I opened the article, I gasped loud enough to grab Rigins' attention.
We were the only ones sitting in the hospital's waiting room. He asked what happened and I showed him the screen. "That bastard. How the hell did he know so fast?" He turned towards the window, looking at the street, searching for an unknown. I grabbed my phone much more tightly. "Does this mean he is following us? Did he see something from the beginning?" I let the questions slip out, getting scared minute by minute. I could feel the feeling engulfing me once again and just as fast I felt that, I felt Rigins' arms around me. He held me tightly and said, "Gin, listen to me, whatever happens, I am not letting anything happen to you. I promised that I will keep you safe and I am keeping that promise. Okay?" He stroked my back and I felt the need to let out a secret.
"I have to tell you something, Rig. Promise me that you won't tell anyone." He did, he promised. I knew that Rig always kept his promise, whether it was for a candy or for a horrifying truth.
"I am—was Aidan's girlfriend. And.....I was the person who last saw him."
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.

We did it. 1556 words.
I can't believe it.
I don't think I have written a bigger chapter.
Also, This chapter has two pov's, which you won't be seeing much.
Usually it is only going to be
One chp- One pov.
And every chp will have different people's pov.
With love,
~F <3

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