epilogue. water my kropp.

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in true rosa fashion, i am extremely late with posting this. it was really difficult for me to finish this chapter because it also meant that this story was coming to an end.

it is a long one tho, so I hope you enjoy reading it :)


"So, how are you enjoying the most beautiful city on earth?" Emerson asked as he opened the refrigerator of Remington's kitchen, looking at the various drinks stashed in there.

I leaned against the counter, pushing away the guilty smile that was about to come up. How did I tell Emerson, the biggest Prague fan in the whole family, that besides Remington's house, I had not seen any parts of the city?

In two weeks, Remington and I had done not much more than occupy the bedroom, the bathroom, and one time, the very kitchen island that Emerson now hopped onto, a glass of wine in one hand, a cigarette in the other.

"It's... beautiful," I said, thinking about the few buildings and streets I had paid attention to on the way from the airport to the house. "Remington is planning to show me more of the city one of these days."

Plans that had been pushed back every day, because each morning, we seemed not to get enough of the other. It wasn't just sex, it was simply being together, waking up in each other's arms, cooking together, talking. Even something as mundane as doing groceries or cleaning up after ourselves felt amazing, simply knowing that even if we were imperfect people, we could still be perfect together.

Strangely, after my big confession, it had not been scary to tell Remington more and more about my childhood, my fears, and the same was true for him. He had been open about his younger years, the rocky past, and the darkness in his mind he still struggled with. It did not make me love him less, on the contrary. I loved the depths of him, the waters we finally dared to jump into, the pain we finally felt safe enough to share.

"Talking about Remington," Sebastian now walked into the kitchen as well, back from a quick grocery run. "Where is he?"

"You know him," I replied, raising a finger so they would listen, hear the drip of the water in the century-old plumbing of the house, "still getting ready."

"Man, even his girlfriend gets ready faster than him." Sebastian shook his head, putting a bag filled with more alcohol on the counter next to me, and started to load them in the fridge.

"What have you got?" I peeked into the white plastic bag, taking out a couple of beer bottles and handing them over to Remington's oldest brother.

"A little of everything."

I raised a brow, holding up a can with some pre-mixed drink. "I thought none of you guys drank that?" After the concert in Athens, where I had confessed everything, Remington's brothers had invited me to a little get-together in the venue, apparently a tradition after every final show of a tour. To my surprise, there had been nothing but hard liquor there, and no mixers in sight.

"Ah, yes," Sebastian smiled sheepishly, "I wasn't sure what you liked. And aren't your friends coming over soon, anyway? It's for them, too."

I smiled back at him, still not used to the generosity of the three brothers. "Thank you." Besides everything they had shared with me, Remington had been excited to invite Mel and Zoya for a little trip to Prague as well, because he wanted to 'properly meet my friends'. Even Phoebe was coming, near the end of my stay here, having to shut down Inner Beauty for it. We would travel back home together, and I would finally get back to work.

Now, Emerson hopped off the counter, "Did you get it?" He asked Sebastian impatiently.

Sebastian reached into the bag, grabbing the final bottle, "this?"

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