Me, myself & I. - Chapter S E V E N

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// Dahlia //

That night Anthony came home he never came to me, he never mentioned what he had to talk to me about and I was okay with this. The more time I had to keep my business exactly that was cherished. I heard his footsteps all over the house, then the carrying sound of his bedroom shutting filled the hallway, entering my room lastly. When morning approached I sat at the edge of my bed and went over things in my head.
I was six months possibly pregnant with a man's baby who I despised, maybe even loathed. I had no steady income, and I was renting from a man I met over Craigslist whom seemed okay, but mysterious and bunked with his obviously psychotic girlfriend.

I had yet to figure out the sex of my child let alone visit a Doctor's office. I stood to my feet, wobbling over to an inky tinted plastic bag that held my casual clothes. It was Saturday and I was determined to see some kind of obstetrician.

I reached deep into the bag, pulling out a long tank top dress. I eyed the clothing article skeptically, At this point the clothes I brought weeks ago no longer fit and my best bet was this. I sucked a deep breathe in, taking my time to the bathroom. Grabbing undergarments, and other things I would need to wash up.

Trudging up the stairs to the bathroom was agony, my back began to ache but I chose to keep my complaints to myself knowing good and well that Anthony was home.
"You good?" As I made the last step, Anthony greeted me with bulging eyes. He was probably on edge from yesterday, I mentally shook my head at myself. I shouldn't have involved him in my problem, and I should've known better than to try and eat sea food. I faked a smile, nodding slowly while I gripped my clothes.
"Yes, I'm okay..didn't sleep too well.."
"Riigh'." His raised eyebrows lowered, moving pass me as if my words offended him. "Just cause I ain't speak to you last night don't mean I fogot." Anthony didn't bother to turn around, he headed down stairs and my chest caved in.

"Whatever.." I breathed out, walking into the restroom and closing the door behind myself.

My growing hair was pulled into a high bun, my skin was fresh and finally felt like it could breathe. I glanced at myself once more for the last time, before proceeding out the bathroom. Yet again, I took my time getting down the stairs. My fingers wrapped around the banister tightly, my head looking down as I took one step, lingering almost. Anthony sat undoubtedly on the couch, waiting for me.
"What was it that you wanted to speak about?" I keep my tone uninterested, avoiding eye contact. I swiftly go into my room, Anthony followed but I ignore his presence, grabbing my keys and wallet.

"I don't undastan' why you would keep your pregnancy such a private thing, like Yo baby a damn secret but you livin' with me and my folks." I slowly spin my frame around to face him, tilting my head to the side, mimicking clueless. "You pregnant, you stay in this house daily and let my smoke infront of you and shit, it's not safe here fo you." I try my hardest to stifle for a rude chuckle but it slipped.

"Wasn't you the same person saying you wasn't here to play house? Why you care so much if I'm pregnant, if I am."
He stepped forward, eyeing me.

"I'm not, that's why you can't stay here."

"I'm paid my first month rent here, I'm a big girl and I been through more shit than this little hood can put me through or even you. I'm pregnant, and I intend on living here until I'm doing me by myself and this baby..thanks for the concern but I don't need it, you or anyone." I was harsh, my words were sharp but living with cash, laying down with random men and being publicly disrespected and beaten can do that to a girl. I was irritated, my anger was heightened. "I gotta go." I muttered, shaking my head.

I pushed past him, nibbling on my lips in anxiousness. It took me so long to tell cash because I didn't want him prying, for some reason a man like him came off as the type to find out information when he needed to. I closed the front room's door, My car coming into my vision. I buckled myself in, turned the key only to rest my head on the steering wheel. My emotions were everywhere. I had known Anthony for less than three weeks, he was standoffish in the beginning but was more friendly to me than anyone has been to me in a long time nonetheless something in him reminded me of Cash, that made me want to push myself away.
I already see the next chapter in my head :) I'm back babies.

Make sure to check out my mew story "Caretaker"
Stay tuned.

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