Testimony - Chapter ONE

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"This is my testimony to you..."

The frequent nights I laid posted in the car were shitty. As my belly grew bigger over the weeks, which turned to months, the pains in my lower back converted into agony filled flashes of deep discomfort that felt as though Civil war soldiers were wounding me with fiery muskets.

Only spending the wad of money Cash gave me for only food, gas, and basic clothes here and there helped me financially with the step I was about to make.

"Yeah, I'm here about the AD you posted on Craig's list? You need a roommate?" My hands wrapped around my protruding midriff. I was almost two months, but at first glance I looked three or four. My pint-sized anatomy showed the extending stomach too well. The words grazed my lips quickly as they spilled out into the atmosphere. Dude leaned against the same door he had opened moments before, and looked me up and down. His expression was tough, and closed off.

"Baby," He began using 'Baby' as a term of endearment. His tone still straightforward and plainspoken, an accent escaping his timbre. "How much you willing to put up for rent?" Removing the shades from his face, the unknown man gaped at me.

"How much you need?" I lobbed back at a rapid tempo. The illustration on his face didn't alter once; He took his time answering after he racked his brain

"Two hundred dollars, and listen ol' lady we ain't here to play house." Before his bony figure could walk out, I gripped the sleeve of his shirt pulling him back. "Don't take me for play, don't touch me."

"I need your name." Ignoring his deathly tone, I stated what need to be said. I've learn, If you let niggas like HIM take advantage of you, and disrespect you they will do so until checked, this is me checking him. I refuse to have an episode of what happened preliminary to this.

"My niggas call me Ant, you can do so. Shit calls me what you want, just pay me." Those words sounded all too familiar. Moving deeper In the one level house, he showed me his room, and the room that would be mine; Another room that I was not to enter under any circumstances.

Stopping him in his tracks, I stared directly into his eyes.

"First, I am far from yo niggas, I need your government for personal reasons. Second, is anyone besides me living here?"

He kissed his teeth in an annoyed, but yet amused manner. His gaze roamed my body, and with that I pulled jacket around my frame tighter, closing off any indication of pregnancy.

"My name is Anthony La'branch, my lil lady be here every now and then; Som' questions for you, what yo' name, where yo' things and is you pregnant?"

My heart rocked in my upper body, sending my glaze downward I replied,

"My name is..Leah," I lied. "I don't have anything besides my car and mind your business."

Looking over my shoulder, I picked up speed towards my "new" bedroom. Once in I sat on the small cote, thinking.

What are my next moves? A place to lay my head, check. A job? Soon enough. School? If I can. I'll probably take classes at night, but first I do need a job. While in college, I completed my freshmen year in english, Maybe there's a way I can do some substituting at a near by elementary school.

During the drive and some up to Louisiana, I did notice a few school buildings, hopefully they needed long term subs and didn't judge. Nineteen, out of school and pregnant wasn't the best look for a person wanting to educate our future.

Peeking my head from around the corner, tiptoeing into the screechy hallway, I walked out to the car pulling out a light gym back lightly stuffed with clothing.

The pile of folded clothes rested in my arm as I dash to different parts of the house, desperately in need of a shower or bathroom.

My knuckles grazed against Ant's wooden bedroom door, I tapped faintly in an attempt to grab his attention.

"And who in the fuck are you?" The passionate, lightly shaded female with black straight pressed hair pulled the raggedy door open wide, her voice boomed and bounced off the walls nearest to us.

Doing breathe techniques, I calmed myself before speaking.

"I'm Leah, I'm Ant's new roommate..nothing to worry about, it's strictly platonic girl." I tried to smooth her achy nerves, but she only grilled me, then allowed Ant access.

"Wassup?" Smoke pushed past his plump lips, as always his skinny figure sat, chilling against the door frame giving him a cooler vibe.

"Shower?" I mumbled in a questionable tone, his girl eyeing us the whole time.

"Down the hall, to the right..you gotta give it time to heat up lady.." His words spoke freely, with ease. I nodded, signifying this conversation was done.

Easing into the shower, the water beads treaded down my back in a calming motion. Wiping the clear liquid from my eyes, I glanced around the steamy waterfall, I looked for soap. My brown orbs fell on the DOVE body wash, and a regular bar of soap. I knew the body wash belonged to Ant's girlfriend, so I damn sure wasn't gonna touch that, before she tries to take my head off, my pregnancy didn't allow me to fade ANYONE.

Clutching onto the green tinted bar of soap, I began to cleanse my body.

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