The aftermath. - Chapter S I X

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*Mistakes will happen, as much as I wish I was perfect, I'm not.*

//Anthony "Ant" La'branch\\

After expressing to Leah that we would have to soon talk, I went around the house collecting my phone and wallet, making sure that I had everything before work.

"Keys.." I mumble, patting my pockets I cursed myself once I realized I didn't have them. Two steps at a time, I jogged back up to my room and found my keys exactly where I left them. Usually around this time I would've been laid up, smoking a fat blunt, chilling with my niggas; later on I would have sent Liyah to do a drop on a few niggas, robbed them and sold they dope, nothing major. My car started with one turn, speeding down the street I glance around my neighborhood. Down here in the N.O, we stuck together. I saw kids playing with each other, generations of friends and family sat on their porches. The females probably talking shit and the men scoping out the younger chicks walking by with fat asses, plotting. I chuckled to myself as I seen one of those same men get rejected by the female whom strolled down the street mindlessly her friends. The expression she was displaying was disgust.

"Oh baby fuck no! Who damn daddy is you?" I heard her question loudly, everyone turned around and instantly A women the same exact age as the man came running off the wooden porch, cussing and screaming.

I hauled ass, that wasn't my scene but I did feel sorry for the man. Rejected by one, but will still feel the wrath of his angry wife. The ride from my house to the construction site was a long distance, I attempted to keep my self busy, playing with the radio. Schoolboy Q's Studio filled my car and I sat back keeping my hand on the steering wheel as I pull under a red light. I could feel my phone vibrating from my left pocket, sucking my teeth I pulled it out and read the caller I.D.

'Quell' It read and within seconds my mood was tarnished. My finger clicked end and I tossed it into the passenger seat.

"What the fuck man.." I said irritably, noticing that my phone screen was lighting up, His name filled the screen again.

In every family is that one nigga that truly just ain't shit; Always asking the broke niggas for money, stealing and most likely is on drugs, That is Quell to me. I love that nigga, he my cousin and has been fucking with me since we was kids, shit his moms took care of me after my mom died but I can barely take care of myself, I can't fund another nigga lifestyle.

I let it ring and turned the volume up on the radio, the remaining time I spent just thinking.


I sat on the couch in the living room mindlessly staring at the wall, taking sips from whatever was left in the glass of ginger ale Anthony served me. The whole time I've been pregnant I haven't really been to a OBGYN, or any doctor of the sort and I knew that wasn't good. Throwing up and morning sickness was apart of the experience, yes but I just wanted to make sure my baby was okay and I wasn't in risk of anything, so I would have to schedule something soon rather than later.

"Hm.." My eyes jetted up to the front door which was opening. Liyah was staring at me once she closed the door behind herself, her lips clinched into a hard line, her eyes sent out judgmental glances.

"Hi?" I questioned almost, I made sure my tone was unbothered and strong. Maybe if I spoke, she would stop staring? Shit I don't know, but she was gon' have to stop looking at me like that.

"Hello." She muttered back with speed, still not removing her orbs. The shopping bags filled her hands as she walked up the stairs, Her legs lifted up to take the step up the next stair but in the middle of it she stopped and turned to face me once again.

"You fucking my man?" Her question was indirect and caused me to choke on the liquid in my mouth, but I swallowed and shot her a surprised expression.

"What? Hell no." I stated firmly while shaking my head. She scanned my body and nodded her head.

"So who baby you pregnant with?" Her accent caused her to butcher the word 'pregnant', I smiled.

"Pregnant?" I chuckled to myself bitterly. "Who told you I was pregnant?"

Liyah didn't even respond, turning on her heels, she trudge back up the stairs. I sat back, and breathed out loudly. I don't care, until my baby was here I was gon' deny the fact that I was pregnant for my reason, hopefully before then I will have a secured a better job that pays well with good benefits, and I would have my own house so I can start paying Cash his money. I could feel my chest rising up and down, panic filled my heart and my breathing began to quickening. No matter what, as much as I wanted to rid Of cash, he still owned me in a sense. The money I owe his will always bring us together until I pay him but still, his rule is over me. This baby will forever tie us together, it was sad because I disliked him so much.

I got some questions for y'all!

1.) what y'all think of Liyah? Btw - Her accent is suppose to resemble Joseline from LAHHATL

2.) Why was Quell calling so much?

3.) Do you guys think Mr. Evans will be pressed Dahlia just left without saying goodbye?


A big thank you to everyone who enjoys this story and keeps up with it, you're greatly appreciated :)

This month has been extremely busy for me, but it's cooling down but I won't be surprise if it kicks back up because I go back too school September 3rd or 4th, I still have to go back to school shopping for supplies and clothes, and not to mention I will be taking a trip to New York City very soon. I will try to update Friday, Saturday + Sunday. Please stay tuned!




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