Natural high..- Chapter F O U R

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" must be the new teaching assistant.." The pasty lady at the front desk mumbled through judging lips. I wasn't in this damn school a good five minutes and I was already being sized up and down, my body was under too much stress and I felt as thought I was bound to an anxiety attack, the high heels I thought that would be cute, failed and bit me back hard on my ass which was rapidly growing, along with my breast.

"Yes, indeed I am. I don't have time for you, and your patronizing. Please give me my I.D. and point me in the direction of the room I will be assisting in," My voice was hushed and in a softened tone as I spoke to her, she eyes fluttered in surprise but I held my ground and stared back wondering when the hell she was going to do the simple task I just asked of her.

"Hello? Did you hear me?" Scaring her from her daze, she began typing rapidly on the creaky desktop keyboard, and then the printer started to shake with noise.
"You'll have to get a permeant one of course, but this is good for the time being. You're down the hallway with Mr. Evans, he's covering a class." A smug grin appeared on her mayonnaise colored lips that irked me. "Oh and you got cheap lipstick on your tooth." My body weight pressed against the balls of my heel's as I turned my back to her and strolled down the hallway which was covered in colorful drawling that brought me joy.

One picuture was a little boy waving good bye to his daddy as he was being deployed. I could tell from his attire, he had long black boots on and he had both camo pants and shirt on; tears began to swell in my eyes while moving down the hallway, Being as though I was so distracted I walked right past the room until I met the end of the hallway.

"Excuse me, Ms. Smith?"

"I'm sorry..the pictures are very beautiful, you have very talented children.." In response, he nodded at my comment, grabbing my hand gently, he guided me back towards the room.

"I don't usually do this..but the teacher who teaches this class had a family emergence so I stepped in because we didn't have an on the spot substitute," Stopping once we're in the room, he cleared his throat in the attempt to grab the kiddies attention. "I am your sub, and Ms. Smith will be your new helper.."
The children were gathered in a corner, staring at each other. Some of them had their shirts up, touching each other's belly buttons. Flashing Mr. Evans an apologetic look, I waddled towards the kids, breaking the circle.

"Is there a baby in there?" A girl with long pigtails removed her finger from her mouth as she spoke to me; Kneeling down to her height, I nodded head slowly.

"Yes there is love, but first you gotta listen to what Mr. Evans has to say." The small girl jumped into my arms, turning her gaze onto Evans while sticking her finger back in to her mouth, the rest of the class did the same.

"Today you guys will be drawing pictures of your happiest memory." Pointing to the bins filled with crayons and markers, he dismissed the class on there way. I watched the kids split off in different direction; cutting my eyes to Mr. Evans, I saw him stare quickly at the wall, avoiding my gaze.

"So," He began talking, trying to break the silence that were going on between us. "You like the job so far?"

I explained to him that the children seemed reasonable.


"What are you doing after school? I wanted to take you over to the crawfish restaurant, they make the best crawfish In N.O." His voice was firm and casual. I was a tad bit caught off guard with this question, but my heart sided with good crawfish and a sexy face to look at while I eat it.

"Crawfish sounds good, just lemme my things from the teacher's lounge.."

y'all don't understand how hard it was for me to get this chapter up. School ended a few days ago, I just been chillin tbh. It's not that I have writers block, it's just I don't feel like sitting down and writing for a long period of time like usually. Ima stop giving y'all dates as to when imma update, imma try to update every two weeks or so. But most deff the next story is signed the big girl or Babylon, idk.
Stay tuned loves.

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