Crawfish, sickness + arguments - Chapter F I V E

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(There will be mistakes, look past them and enjoy the story! :c)

//Anthony "Ant" La'branch\\

Tingling my fingers in her deep black locks, my eyes found their way to the back of my skull, flickering in pleasure. Baby girl was doing number on my Yaz; her warm lips formed a delicate 'O' around my length while she released my member, making a popping noise.

"Damn.." I breathed out while she went down a second time, we have been going at this for thirty minutes and I was prolonging my nut. Unintentionally my hips moved upwards, forcing my dick deeper in her throat, keeping that position I squeezed my orbs completely shut, not even notifying her that I was about to combust. My seeds spilled from her mouth, angrily she wiped it up and swallowed the remaining nut.

"I tol yo' ass I don't like that shit!" Her Spanish accent was harsh, Liyah stood to her feet, tugging her extensive hair into a makeshift pony tail. "I ain't gon' give you head if yo' ass gonna keep doing that shit papi, I'm not a hoe, let me know if you gon spill that shit everywhere."

I could feel a chuckle forming in my throat, clamping my mouth closed I nodded my head slowly while she spoke. Whenever she tried to be serious, the accent just fucked her up, but I wasn't going to laugh. That shit would've hurt her feelings, and knowing Liyah she would've had my ass hanging on the nearest wall.

"My fault.." I mumbled simply, crouching over the bed I grasped my basketball shorts that covered the floor.

"Yeah your fault," she said lowly sashaying around the bedroom only in a satin robe. "So, who the fuck is this bitch leaving here? Damn, I never thought you would've had one of yo' little hoes under the same roof as me, brave babe."

I cocked my head some, displayed an irritated face. "What the fuck man, you can't get like every other girlfriend and make something to eat after head? Shit." My words were restless, I positioned myself upright and mounting my feet to the floor, intensely looking around for my weed wraps.

"I'll kill you..and her with no remorse, remember that." Her timbre was intense, but was quickly disregarded because of the warm smile she exhibited; fucking crazy ass.

"What's all that for?" Moving past her, I found my way in the bathroom. Liyah was insecure for no reason, but if she see a female she feels threatened by she'll flip the switch on her "confidence" and front as if her life was on the line but know damn well she think I would leave her for any ol' board.

Hauling the clear shower curtain back, my hands ran across the hot and cold shower knobs; I fumbled with both knobs, adjusting the water to the right temperature. Shedding from the boxers and basketball shorts, I climb in and instantly the welcomed water covers my back, soothing my achy bones. In less than an hour I would have to be at new construction site. Omar, my boy from around the way hooked me up with a legitimate job, it made decent money and it wasn't trying to get me caught up.

"ANT! OPEN THE DOOR! PLEASE!" Swiftly rinsing the soap from my body, I grabbed the beige towel from on top of the toilet, hearing the pleads for help I put my hand on the doorknob, turning it. I stuck my head out, glancing around while trying to figure out who the hell was yelling my name AND banging on my door, but to my recollection Liyah was gone and the house was empty.

//REWIND - Dahlia\\

"Enjoying yourself?" Using the cracker to help remove the meat from the shelled fish, Mr. Evans inquired. I couldn't answer, the sight of his food was making me queasy. My lips curved into a fake smile, and my head raised and lowered briefly, signaling Yes.

Lifting my hand, I placed in on my fork. I ordered a shrimp salad hoping that it would ease my ill stomach. Fork in hand, I played with my salad as if I was a toddler. I could feel Evans' eyes on my, but keeping my
head down I overturned the little leafs of lettuces. My stomach begin doing back flips, and I could feel the vomit making it's way up my throat, hastily I smothered my mouth with my hand, not bidding goodbye to Mr. Evans, I grabbed my purse dashing to my car. On the way there, I threw up not being able to hold the upchuck down; I thought it was best that Mr. Evans and I took our own cars, and good thing I did.

"ANT! OPEN THE DOOR! PLEASE!" I had searched all through out my bag and still I couldn't find my house keys, clutching my stomach I banged on the door and hoped for the best.

"Leah?" Ant questioned, turning the locks on the door. For a moment in time I was bewildered not sure why he was referring to me by that name, but then I realized that I had given him that name upon moving day for security reasons.

"Y-yeah.." I answered back seeing the door open slowly, scurrying around his frame I noticed he had only a towel on. Going into the back, I sprinting into my bedroom, I rummaged through all my drawers until I found a bottle of ibuprofen and vitamins.

"Is you okay?" Ant's voice was plain but I could tell he was trying his hardest to seem interested.

"I just need to.." My tone and voice trailed off as I trudged up to the bathroom, he followed. Once in, I kneeled down to the toilet making my head eye level. The lump that had formed again was in the bowl of the toilet as I begin ejecting the matter from my stomach, out. When I cut my eyes over to where Ant was standing, he was gone once again I was going through this shit alone.

"Mhm." He expressed in a low timbre. I heard him set down a glass on the sink, pulling his shirt over his head, he was fully clothed. His hands found their way to my hair where he held my hair away from my face as the vomit flowed out of me. For ten minutes he sat there, uplifting my hair and listening to my body reject the shrimp I had earlier.

"Now, you good?" His eyebrow was raised in a quizzical manner, keeping his distance as I dislodged my head from the ablution. I didn't answer instead I rinsed my mouth out with some mouth wash and water. "Here." He announced, passing me some ginger Ale.

"Thank you." I whispered sweetly, sipping some.

"I gotta talk to you later though, on some real shit baby." I nodded, not completely sure what we could have to talk about.

A/N: If you're confused I am sorry! I basically explained the story from Ant's point of view of how heard dahlia at the door, THEN I explained it from Dahlia's POV of how she got to the house and why she was throwing up. So like both of their POV's met up in the middle, get it? I hope so :(

I updated Babylon, Connected, Signed the big girl, and Testify! That's all my current stories so I will be taking a ONE WEEK BREAK.
I'll be back not this Monday, but the Monday after.

Don't forget to comment/fan/vote/ETC so I can have some inspiration to update, thank you loves
Stay tuned.
- AnonymouslyAfi

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