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In the aftermath of their harrowing defeat, our valiant heroes stand at the precipice of despair. The Royals, plus the newest edition consisting of Lola, Peter, Luca and Ben, have faced a cataclysmic loss, and the cosmic forces they sought to protect have slipped through their grasp. The dark order, with their insidious knowledge, now threatens to awaken the malevolent queen, a sinister royal whose reign could spell doom for the universe.

As the shadows of doubt and regret loom large, the heroes are faced with an insurmountable challenge—a journey to the desolate and ravaged city of Rhatbane. It is here, amidst the ruins of a once-thriving civilization, that the spark of a new war ignites. The dark order's ominous presence tightens its grip on the cosmos, and the fate of all worlds hangs in the balance. They rally their allies, summoning beings of extraordinary power and courage from across the galaxies. It is a call to arms that will echo through the cosmos, as old alliances are rekindled and new ones are formed, united by a common purpose—to thwart the dark order and prevent the queen's resurrection.

In this third and pivotal installment of their cosmic journey, the heroes will face tests of loyalty, the crucible of sacrifice, and the ultimate reckoning with their own powers. The stakes have never been higher, and the outcome will determine not only the fate of the universe but the very essence of hope itself.

Welcome to the peak of their cosmic adventure—a climax where the echoes of their choices reverberate through the galaxies. This is the battle that will define them, the war that will shape the universe's future.

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