Chapter 8: Mindy, Diana and Sophie

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The soldiers near Luca attacked first. He counted three, a lady with long brunette hair and multiple daggers, a man with a mace and another soldier with a sword. Luca had no choice but to fall back. He could feel the air around him - the wind waiting to be harnessed - but it was too risky.

Luca held his sword in a defensive stance as the soldiers encircled him. The man with the mace charged first, his mace swinging in a wide arc. Luca reacted with lightning-quick reflexes, sidestepping the attack and countering with a thrust with his sword toward the man's exposed side. The wind gusted around him with every move.

The other soldier with the sword lunged forward, their blade coming at Luca with speed and precision. He blocked the strike with his sword, the loud clash ringing out in the air. He swiftly ducked, managing to dodge the sword, and then he swung his foot at the soldier's legs, pushing him to the floor.

A dagger flew past the side of his eye. He had forgotten about the last opponent. He spun around but the lady had disappeared. Suddenly, he felt legs wrap around his neck, before being thrown into the ground. He fell to the floor, the lady's dagger pressed against his throat.

"My, my," The lady said, pushing the knife closer. She pulled off her mask, revealing a tanned face with a small scar at the bottom of her chin. "Who would've thought we would meet like this?"

Luca gasped, jerking around in an attempt to break free. "Roniella? You're still alive?" Luca h

"Be quiet. You're my prisoner now," Roniella grabbed his shoulder and leaned closer, her face directly next to his. "It's me..your Roniella..." She slowly whispered. An orange aura began to form around her body. She was activating her power.

"Don't you da-"

Roniella placed her hand on Luca's mouth. "Feel me." Luca felt a sudden sensation in his pants and leaned forward.

"Taste me," Roniella whispered, leaning closer.

Then, a brown stick rammed into Roniella's face, throwing her off Luca's body. It was Julie. "As sly as ever, huh?"

Roniella hissed. She jumped on her feet and threw three quick daggers at Julie.

Julie whirled her staff, her well practiced reflexes taking over. The daggers deflected off her quarterstaff, shooting back at Roniella.

Roniella spun around, grabbing the daggers midair as they flew past her face. The orange aura began to glow around her once again. The two other soldiers from before appeared behind Roniella, both of them looking for revenge.

The three of soldiers ran at the pair as Julie readied herself for the attack. Suddenly, a swift air bubble circled Roniella and the other two soldiers' heads stopping their run. A stream of air from their mouths slowly escaped, joining the sphere of air around their heads.

Roniella gagged loudly. The other two soldiers fell to the ground, their bodies lifeless. 'I'll kill you,' Roniella tried to say. The orange aura slowly faded and she too fell to the ground, her body lifeless.

Behind them, Aria and Ben were holding off a dozen soldiers. An illusion of Aria appeared behind the soldiers, giving Aria the opportunity to strike them down with deadly accuracy. But in a sudden moment, Ben fell to the floor, his hands on his head as he screamed in pain. The triplets appeared behind him, their white eyes glowing in the dark.

"Time for a proper fight," Aria said, pulling her spear from the chest of a soldier.

The triplets replied with a wicked smile, their spears in a defensive stance. Diana took the lead, running forward and swinging her spear at Aria's head. Aria's reflexes kicked in. Bolts of electricity shot off her as she moved to the side at an unnatural speed, almost falling to the floor.

'Woah,' Aria thought. 'Super speed?'

Just as she steadied herself, Sophie lunged forward, her spear thrusting at Aria's leg. Aria moved just in time, this time at normal speed. She swung her spear in a wide arc as Sophie leapt backward.

Diana leapt from above, her spear stabbing Aria in the leg from behind. Aria moaned in pain as she blocked Diana's second thrust. Aria sprung forward, her spear aimed at Sophie's leg. Sophie gracefully hopped to the side. Aria had missed her again.

Something was wrong. How had she not been able to land a single blow? She danced around the spears and then zoomed metres away. Where was the last sister? Aria scanned the room to see Mindy in a corner her eyes brighter than ever.

'So this is why,' Aria thought. 'They're like a hive and Mindy's their controller. She must be peering into my head, anticipating my moves.'

"Tired already?" A voice played in her head. Looks like she was right. Mindy was in her head. Aria had to be always on the move - doing things without thinking, unpredictable. She charged at Sophie, this time much more ready. She blocked Diana's thrust, before spinning her spear and clashing with Sophie's midair.

Aria pushed with all her strength, knocking Sophie's spear into the air and into the ground. She lunged forward, her weapon striking her in the wrist.

Sophie screamed in pain. Aria spun around to see Diana and Mindy both tumble backwards, screaming in pain too. They felt the pain Sophie did. Aria took these few seconds to launch herself at Diana, a bolt of lightning shooting from the tip of her spear.

Diana, who had just looked up was sent flying into the wall of the cave.

"NO!" Mindy screamed, running at Aria. She leapt, landing with her spear above Arias. Aria flashed behind Mindy before she could even blink, and then grabbed Mindy's shoulders, sending a shock through her body.

Mindy fell to the floor, her body unconscious.

"You ok?" Ben asked Aria. He had just woken up from their telepathic attack.

Aria placed her spear on her back. "I'm fine."

"Looks like it's the right way," Julie mumbled. "We better get to it"

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