Chapter 5: Demon

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"Weaver, what's happening!?" Skye said in distress as she ran down the stairs. "

We've been ambushed!" Weaver replied through the walkie talkie. "I've sent general Atiya but it's tearing the city apart!"

"It?" Aria asked, close behind.

They heard a loud scream through the walkie talkie.

"It's a monster."

Skye gave Aria a look. A look that said 'how bad could it be?' But they didn't have to wait long because the moment they left the tower, they saw it. The demon.

At the centre of the city, a large red monster stood, its hands punching the air. It had ears that looked like fins and a fist bigger than Aria's head. At first, Aria couldn't understand what it was doing— why it was hitting the air— but then she realised; above the monster, a small petrel was diving in and hitting the monster beak-first. It seemed to be this 'General Atiya' Weaver had been talking about earlier.

"You have a royal?" Aria asked, running towards the scene.

Skye nodded and then pulled out a small pistol. "We prefer the term enhanced."

Guards surrounded the beast, but none of them shot it. They simply aimed their shotguns and stood still.

"Shoot!" Skye yelled, aiming at the monster. But before any of them could react, the monster swiped his hands across their bodies, knocking them like they were dominoes.

"Get out of there Skye!" Aria called. "You'll get yourself killed!"

Skye ignored her. She reloaded her pistol and then continued to shoot the monster as she walked toward it, but the bullets didn't seem to do anything to it— other than making it annoyed.

The monster lifted his hand onto his chin and took a deep breath. Then, he opened his mouth and spat a ball of fire onto his fist, before throwing a punch to Skye.

Skye froze.

"SKYE!" Aria yelled, throwing a lightning towards the monster's arm.

The lightning hit the monster with a deafening sound. The monster screeched, and stumbled backwards, giving Skye enough time to turn invisible and run.

The monster turned to Aria and growled. Before she could react, a flash of white passed her eyes and headed towards the monster.

It was the general. She rose higher into the air and then dove down her feathers dropping all over the place. Atiya ascended again, before diving and hitting the monster in the leg. As she began to fly upwards, the monster twisted his hand and then brought it up, catching Atiya just by the tail. He pulled her into his hand and then crushed her wing and threw her to the side.

"Annoying pest." The monster said, lifting his foot above the petrel. Just as he was about to crush the bird, a woman slid beneath his legs and picked up the general, before slashing her silver spear into his left leg and pulling it out. Her striking blonde hair blew as she used the wind to her advantage. Only then did Aria realise that it was Isabelle.

Immediately after she slid away, she stood up but just as she did, the monster threw his arms towards her, but instead of Isabelle getting thrown across the city, the monster's hand froze midair. The monster grunted and then quickly turned around, his hand smashing into the wall.

Behind him, Aria could see Atticus, a path of ice forming below every footstep. Then, he jumped and shot a ray of ice towards the beast, before piercing a shard of ice into its arm. Suddenly, vines began to climb the monster's legs. It wrapped its legs to the ground, and then its arms. Aria turned around and from the top of a nearby house, she could see Fiyeree with her hands out as if she was a conductor of an orchestra. The monster quickly ripped the vines and then shot a ball of flame towards peter.

Lola quickly jumped in front of Peter and stretched out her arms, just as the fireball hit her. The fireball made a small explosion in front of Lola— the small blast not burning her— and as she moved her arms clockwise, the fireball slowly shrunk, almost as if someone was turning back time. Soon, it became nothing but dust.

The monster growled in shock.

Lola threw a flame of fire towards the monster and then jumped; fire booming out of her palms— similar to a rocking taking off. She propelled herself above the monster and plunged two daggers into its shoulders.

In mere seconds, the monster grabbed Lola by the feet and swung her, before throwing her towards Fiyeree.

And then, a set of knives flew into the monster's leg as it fell onto a nearby building.

Peter. Aria smirked.

The monster threw his arms towards Peter and just as Peter was about to crush, someone shot a net atop the monster, the net electrocuting the monster. From the corner of her eye, Aria could see that it was Tim.

Then, Robert appeared from a ruined alley, two war hammers in his hands.

"Go back to Hell," Robert said, swinging the two large war hammers into the monster's chest. The monster screeched in pain before falling to the floor, the net barely covering its head.

Someone yelled from the rooftop. "Julie, the floor!"

Julie nodded and immediately began to stomp the ground with her foot. She twisted her arms and then— suddenly— the floor cracked. But it still wasn't enough to stop it.

Fiyeree stood next to her, her hands outstretched. Vines sprouted from the ground, plunging the monster into the hole in the ground.

The monster was finally encaged in the net, unable to move. Kaladorian guards stood above the crater, their shotguns aimed at the monster. To their surprise, the monster's build began decreasing, turning into the silhouette of what seemed to be a nude man with a muscular build.

"Hey," the man waved, the net barely covering his body.

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