iii - Camp.

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A/N: Double update this week bc I rly want to get these chapters out but also don't want to post all of em bc then I'll not have time to actually write a coherent story.

Once stopped, Lyanna hopped out of the chariot/sled quickly and ran into her house to pack, ignoring the laughter of Artemis behind her. She bolted straight to her room and packed five spare sets of clothes and her wash bag with all her skin and hair care products along with a toothbrush and a new tube of toothpaste. When she returned to her room she collected her pencils, pens and three blank sketchbooks to take with her to camp once she got bored. She turned to her bed and, after a moment of deliberation, stuffed her rabbit teddy into the bag on top of everything.

"All packed?" Artemis called from her bedroom door.

Lyanna nodded but looked solemn for a moment. "What about Galen? Can I bring him as well?"

Artemis cocked one of her eyebrows up in an unsaid question and was dragged out of the bedroom by Lyanna to the sitting room. Bounding up to them to greet them was a large golden Labrador with the deep, chocolate coloured eyes

"Aunt Artie, this is Galen: my trusted companion and my best, and only, friend!" Lyanna said happily, not seeing Artemis cock her eyebrow again at being called 'Aunt Artie'. "Galen, this is Aunt Artie. She's one of the gods on Olympus, like mom used to tell in the stories mom used to tell."

Lyanna crouched down and hugged the dog and scratched it behind the ears, making him break out into a lopsided grin in response. Lyanna slowed to a stop and a downcast expression overrode her playful one.

"Will I be allowed to take him to camp with me?" She asked Artemis with a shaky voice.

"I'll see what magic I can work with Chiron and Dionysus for you. If you can't take him, I'll give him to Apollo to take care of so you can still see him when away from Camp," Artemis replied. She could tell Lyanna held a deep connection with the animal and as the patron of caring for children, she'd be damned if she'd let them be separated without a fight.

Lyanna got up and hugged Artemis tearfully in thanks, Galen pranced around the pair while barking playfully. After calming down, Lyanna dragged her bag outside along with a large bag of dog food, a purple tennis ball, a sloth teddy and a purple collar with a matching leash. Artemis helped her load them into the sled as she climbed in, Galen jumping up onto her lap. Artemis climbed in alongside the pair before having them set off.

The journey to camp was short as it was only a short distance away at Long Island.

"Wait it actually is just a summer camp? Also why Long Island? Why not somewhere hot like Florida? I could get a good suntan in Florida," Lyanna whined, as if the location of camp was the end of the world.

Artemis rolled her eyes and began removing the bags from the back of the chariot as Lyanna climbed out with Galen at her heel. She took her backpack and duffel bag from Artemis and followed the goddess down the dirt path. They approached a marble arch with Ancient Greek symbols engraved into the flat.

"Camp Halfblood..." Lyanna translated quietly, confused as to how she could not only read but also translate the ancient words.

"Being the child of a Greek god, your brain is hardwired to read Ancient Greek. That is why you can't read modern languages like English and are diagnosed with dyslexia," Artemis clarified when she noticed that Lyanna had stopped to read the sign.

They continued along the path, stopping every so often to allow Galen to catch up after wandering off to investigate all of the trees. They climbed up a hill to a big house, painted sky blue. It was in complete darkness until they stepped on the porch and Lyanna had to cover her eyes at the sudden burst of light from seemingly every room in the mansion-sized farmhouse. A door opened and she could hear a man grumbling as he walked heavily and unevenly towards them. The man had unruly black hair with watery, bloodshot eyes. His tiger-stripe Hawaiian shirt had several stains covering it and Lyanna thought he looked like your average everyday alcoholic.

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