X - Your mission should you choose to accept it

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Lyanna was lying in her crop field, limbs spread wide as she stared up at the technicolour sky. She huffed in annoyance and punched the dirt, hard, cursing under her breath at the pain it caused. Yes, she may be in a dream, but her body could still feel pain, it's just that the damage caused here wouldn't be present when she returned to the waking world.

"You know, for the god of sleep, you could've at least showed up here by now. It's been, what, close to 15 years since you got my mom pregnant with me and you haven't even came to see me once? What a joke."

"So you're upset with him too, then?" A voice echoed behind her.

She gasped and stood quickly, turning to face the source of the voice, but nothing was there. She took a few steps back but collided with something solid. She leapt forwards and turned to see the man with jet black hair and the trench coat staring down at her.

"What are you doing here? Leave! Go away! Go back to whatever hell you crawled from and fucking stay there!" She screamed, constantly backing away.

She bumped into something solid again and kicked out with her right leg. There was a shifting sound behind her, like a shovel in sand. She turned and there at her feet was a pile of soft, golden sand slowly thinning in the breeze.

"So jumpy," the man rasped. "I can see why father likes you."

Lyanna faltered. "What do you mean? Who's your father!?"

His laugh echoed around the dreamscape and he materialised in front of her, his tall frame looming over her, his grin dark and primal.

"I'm sure you've worked it out by now."

Lyanna fell onto the floor, briefly thinking this scene was eerily similar to the last time the man confronted her in her dream. Her heart raced as the memory of being bound by shadows plagued her mind.

"Thats not going to happen," the man said. "Well, not today, at least."

"Because that fills me with so much confidence," she spat.

"Hmm... definitely one of father's," the man hummed.

Lyanna was really creeped out, she started chanting to herself in her mind, wishing to wake up. No matter what she did, she couldn't wake. She was still entrapped in her own mind with a psycho constantly talking about his father as if he was some emo Jesus from Wish. Lyanna snorted and the man looked down at her with an affronted expression.

"Emo Jesu- I'm the God of Dreams, you insolent girl!" He complained, his raspy voice sounding almost petulant.

"God of Dreams? You're Morpheus?" She asked, incredulously.

"Yes, I am. What of it?" He snapped and she winced.

"Just imagined someone a bit more cheery," she shrugged and Morpheus looked incensed. "W-what I m-mean is that your the G-God of Dreams, yeah?"

He nodded, indicating her to continue. She swallowed the lump in her throat and spoke again. "Dreams can be anything, right? Dreams are what give people purpose, you know? Like getting into a certain school, making a family, surviving against hordes of monsters that want to tear you limb from limb- that sort of thing. Dreams are meant to be happy, an escape. If that's the case why do you look like you listen to My Chemical Romance and cry about how bad your life is despite it being better than 90% of everyone else's?"

They stared each other down for a few moments. Morpheus was completely stunned and Lyanna was just expectant. His shock, however, quickly morphed into a blank stare. Lyanna shifted, readying herself for an incoming attack if it would come.

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