V - New kid, old issues, big problems

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A/N: HAHA! Surprise release because I just finished chapter 10 and it's LONG. AS. FUCK. Anyways, enjoy bellends bc this is a long ride.

Lyanna had been at camp six days now and was steadily falling into a routine. Out of all the activities, her favourite was definitely the ninety minutes of arts and crafts every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Seeing as she had her own sketchbooks and pencils, she didn't need to borrow the flimsy ones from the store-cupboard. Her least favourite activity was wrestling as they were forced to pair with the Ares cabin for that and she hadn't won a single match against the bulky teens.

For a couple of days now, a rumour had been floating around that a new kid had arrived to camp after fighting the Minotaur from the story of Theseus. The rumours were yet to be confirmed as the kid had apparently been comatose ever since and his satyr escort wasn't speaking about it with anyone. A few times now she caught site of a few campers trying to peep into the medical bay at the Big House to get a glimpse of the boy but the centaur camp director from the orientation video always shooed them away.

She hadn't had the chance to speak to the centaur since his return four days ago, which Lee thought was strange as the half-man-half-horse used to always wander around the camp throughout the day to ensure the halfbloods' wellbeing. He was also the one who usually introduced new campers, seeing as he was the activities director.

Michael's attitude toward her had continued to sour, but she mostly paid him no mind. However, ignoring his voice and ignoring his words were completely two different things and, sometimes, she couldn't help but feel that he was right about certain things. Her archery hadn't improved at all, which he constantly made the butt of his jeers. Over the six days, she got closer to Lee and Austin who would often defend her from Michael's bullying if they were around.

So now it's the 27/05, less than a week until her birthday and she was spending her free time in the arts and crafts room with Galen at her heel, as had become commonplace in the last few days. She smiled as she remembered back to the first time she'd been found playing with Galen by a member of the Aphrodite cabin. The girl had nearly gone DEFCON: 1 with how angry she appeared to be. Once everything had been cleared up with Lee and 'Dinopiss' - Lyanna started calling him that because he always gets her name wrong - nobody else ever bothered her about her dog. Two boys from the Hermes cabin who looked twins even often sought her out to play with Galen in their free times but she never let them out of her sight.

"I'm starting to think you're crazy trying to mend that old thing," Lee called from behind her. She turned to the door of the arts and crafts room with a mock glare before breaking into a smile.

"It's not just any 'old thing', Lasagne boy, it's a stage-used green Stratocaster! Do you know how rare these things are?" She said excitedly, turning back to finish tightening one of the strings. "If I can just get the wiring right, I'll be able to get it completely fixed but I don't know what the hell I'm doing with mechanical crap like that."

She sighed in exasperation and rubbed her eyes with her palms as Lee walked further into the room. There were a few Aphrodite kids littered around the room, making different types of accessories with the leather and other materials stored there. One of them was even making a tag for Galen which Lyanna thought was really kind.

"You've been working on this in all of your free times since you found it four days ago. Don't you think you should take a little break?" Lee asked as he placed a cup of tea on the workbench in front of her.

"No, I really want to get it done for my-" she began but hastily cut herself off. She didn't want other people to know about her birthday so they didn't make a fuss over her for it.

Lee raised his eyebrows at her but didn't press the matter. "I've been meaning to speak to you actually- in private, I mean. Can I catch you at sunrise tomorrow?" He asked and took a sip from his cup of coffee.

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