Chapter 4

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Horace woke up to the morning sun beaming down on her, the soft light making it look like she was radiating warmth, (she was, she was just doing it really fast so you can't see it,) and the birds chirping in the background only added to the ambiance of perfectness, and she smiled with her perfectly woman-like mouth.

Life on the farm was so much more calming than in the big city, with no flocks of men squawking for her attention, or to let her know how beautifully different from other girls she was. Here, there was only the sound of a ray of heavenly light shining down upon her while she basked in the delightful morning sun, and the birds sang their praises.

She slipped out of bed as her tiny feet hit the floor, petite and perfectly shaped, and she yawned softly but made sure to do it cutely out of habit. She would have to take some time to get used to this new life on the farm, where she wouldn't be surrounded by admirers (like she always was.)

She racked her pretty woman brain for what she had to do today, then suddenly remembered Alejandro's words.

Alejandro smiles, glad she'll be safe for the night.
"Good. Try to get a good night's sleep, you'll need it for the morning."
Horace smiles, a bit confused. "What happens in the morning?" Her perfectly sculpted eyebrows raise ever so slightly, only accentuated by her perfect cheekbones.

Alejandro doesn't respond, just shaking his head.

"You'll know soon enough."

What was happening tomorrow? Or- today, rather? She grinned (gracefully, with her petite mouth) in excitement, and stepped into her muddy boots, which she always wore because she liked to get dirty, due to not being like other girls. The dirt never seemed to touch her, and if you poured a bucket of mud over her head, it would slide right off, like she was a human slip-and-slide. Maybe she was just too perfect to get dirty, and Mother Nature knew that.

She walked out of the door of her tiny hut, gracefully galloping down the dirt road. She was excited to see Alejandro again and to ask him what was happening today, and she couldn't help but burst out into song at the mere thought of it, (the song being WAP by Cardi B, ft. Meagan Thee Stallion,) and being so entranced by the marvelous melodies of her voice, she couldn't help but get a little jiggy with it. As she absolutely slayed the dance, a deep, charming voice from behind her scared her. Although, it was a voice she recognized.

"I couldn't help but notice you busting it down, and I had to come over and ask-- may I join?"

She quickly turned around, her perfectly feminine cheeks blushing in embarrassment, but it was too late. Alejandro had already made his way over to her from the stables, and he was standing with his hooves crossed.

"Why are you so embarrassed? Your dancing was incredible."

Horace bit her lip and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear debbie-ryan-style, because she was so different from other girls. She was embarrassed of her dancing even though it was amazingly perfect and practically the best ever, which was so humble of her.

"So, care to dance?" Alejandro extended a hoof as if offering his hand, and Horace looked away bashfully.

"But I don't know how..."

Alejandro chuckles, his horse-like demeanor strong and powerful. "I'll teach you."

"But-- didn't you say there was something important happening today? That I needed to get rest for?" Horace questions, her long luscious locks flowing behind her, as if it was a beautiful veil dancing in the wind.

Alejandro's eyes wander to admire the graceful beauty of her hair, before snapping back into place, looking at her. "Oh, yes. Today is exercise day."

Horace looked confused, not able to grasp the concept, (which was understandable, due to her tiny woman brain), and tilted her head in adorable confusion. Alejandro went on to explain it to her.

"Every week, the little potato man trains me for the horse race. I am a racing horse, after all. He makes me run on treadmills for hours at a time."
Horace is only more confused by this, which can be attributed to her adorable stupid girl brain. It's okay though, because she still looks beautiful and perfect.

"Here, let me show you. The training area is just down this path."

Alejandro takes her petite hand in his muscular horse hoof and leads her down a small dirt path, just big enough for the two of them. (Really just Alejandro, Horace doesn't count because she's too tiny and cute to take up any space.)

They approached the training area, and Horace's teensy weensy hands fidgeted nervously.

"Uh... where is the training equipment?"

Alejandro smirks, looking down at her, his tall silhouette towering over her small and petite and fragile and perfect girl woman girly girl girl figure.

"Check this out."

He turns his head towards the empty field, and a small, dark figure falls from the sky. Upon further inspection, it seemed to be... a treadmill!?

The treadmill hit the ground with a shockwave, ringing in Horace's ears. Dust was kicked up from the ground, only to be lifted after a couple of seconds, revealing a shiny new treadmill, the word 'temu' printed on the side. Horace's beautifully shiny orbs widened in surprise, and looked to Alejandro for an explanation.

"Don't be afraid, that happens all the time. The little potato man mass orders them from China, so due to child labor laws in the US, a fighter jet has to sneak past the state border and drop them higher than US air forces can go without their engines failing."

Horace smiled, this all made perfect sense.

"T-thanks for explaining." Alejandro just smiled back at her, nodding.

"Well, I guess I should start training. It would be... nice to have someone to talk to?" He said this as if it was an offer that Horace could decline, which made her so happy, because nobody had ever asked for her consent before.

"I guess I can stay for a little while... is another treadmill gonna fall from the sky though?"
Alejandro smiled mischievously, and there was a glint in his eye like he knew something she didn't.


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