Chapter 7

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They had talked for hours, discussing their grievances and bonding with each other. With each word Alejandro spoke, Horace felt more and more connected to him. They were so similar, yet so different. It felt as if they were made for each other, but at the same time, Horace was just a human. Alejandro... was a racehorse.

"Thanks for listening, but it's getting late, I don't want to keep you here too long." Alejandro smiled, so happy that Horace was there to help him through these tough times and to remind him to keep live laugh loving. He shook his mane and whinnied.

Horace smiled. "I guess so," she said. "See you tomorrow?"

Alejandro nodded, glad she still wanted to see him after he let down his alpha male facade.


As she left the stables, she kept her eyes glued to the ground, her mind wandering. She knew she had cast aside her feelings for Alejandro in the last six chapters and that having a crush on him now would be unrealistic, but she also knew that I needed the plot to develop. Maybe... she did like him? She kept telling herself that it wasn't okay to like a horse, but he was too kind and also really hot. She took a deep breath, thinking to herself.

Maybe I really do like him... I'm sure it's not a big deal, I mean, I don't have to tell him-

She fell to the ground, knocked over by what seemed to be... A horse?!

"Are you alright?" She looked up, her ear canals serenaded by a sickly sweet voice. She has heard that voice before...

Fernando smiled at her, his deep violet eyes (He had Alexandria's genesis don't even worry about it) staring into her soul so firmly it is like a ray of light is passing through her. He holds out a hoof and Horace takes it, dusting herself off even though no dirt got on her because she was just that beautiful.

"T-thank you..." Her voice was so feminine that she could easily sing soprano. (aka high female.)

"Don't worry about it. Why are you out so late?"

Horace pauses, a bit timid about sharing what happened with Alejandro, especially with Fernando.

"I was just talking with Alejandro, and I realized how late it was..." Fernando frowns and sighs.

"Did he keep you too long? Heh... He used to do that to me when I was younger to get me into trouble. Mi madre was always frustrated that I hadn't gotten to sleep on time." Fernando looked down at the ground with sadness then back up at Horace.

"Don't let him ruin you. I can tell you're a girl with good intentions. Do you want me to walk you home?" He boomed with his deep romantic voice. He was worried for the perfect and innocent girl's safety.

Horace paused, confused by Fernando's description of Alejandro. It wasn't the Alejandro she knew, he wouldn't have done the things Fernando claimed. Still, she decided to accept, not wanting to judge him too harshly.

"...Okay, I guess."

Fernando smiled when she said this, glad he could keep her safe. "Come with me." He turned around, trotting down the path, expecting her to follow.

As she debated whether or not to follow him, she thought back to her conversation with Alejandro, when he claimed to always be outshined by Fernando, he had never once mentioned the fact that he himself might've been to blame. Still, she decided to give Fernando a chance, because she was too nice to turn him down, and too gullible to realize that Fernando might be lying to her.

As they walked down the path, Fernando led Horace into a heavily forested area, far away from the barn and stables, which looked almost abandoned. He persisted strongly through, not wincing once at the thick vines that blocked his vision. Of course, he had no problems traversing through the heavily forested path, he was agile and strong, and Horace knew that. She admired the way he held his head high when he walked, his powerful demeanor assertive yet graceful. As he swept aside one final curtain of vines, he revealed a beautiful lake setting, the moon glowing brightly above the calming waters, illuminating the romantic scene.

"W-where are we...?" Horace asked, her gentle voice lovely and woman-like. She was too sweet for him, and much too fragile and innocent, which he knew, and he accommodated for that. He spoke in a much more soothing tone now.

"Nowhere, really, just the spot that I go when I need to... get things off my mind." Wow, he was strong, hot, and deep? It was almost too good to be true. As he took her hand in his hoof, (don't ask how that works), he gazed at her with a gentle and sultry expression, leading her to a nearby log to sit down. She followed him, sitting down in a lady-like manner. She was much shorter than him, and as he gazed out onto the vast expanse of water, she couldn't help but notice once more how damn sculpted his cheekbones were. God damn, he really never skipped chin day.

"I wanted to ask you about something, Horace." Fernando's deep voice was laced with a sultry and sugary sweet tone, and he looked at Horace with his shimmering orbs, glimmering brightly, bathed in supple moonlight.

She nodded, accepting his request.

"How long have you been hanging out with Alejandro?" He asked, expecting an answer. Horace was a bit surprised at this question, though she was quick to respond, though hesitant.

"I mean-- it's only been a couple of days."

Fernando nods, seemingly relieved.

"Can you do something for me?" Horace nods once more, eager to please Fernando.

"I think it'd be best if you stop hanging around him so much. He's... a bit of a bad influence." Fernando says.

She stopped to think. Was she really going to listen to him? She had only been hanging out with him for a couple of days, but she felt like she had really formed a lasting bond with him, and a friendship worth keeping. She opened her mouth to talk, but Fernando put a hoof over her mouth, silencing her.

"I'd also appreciate it if you didn't tell him about this."

Without another word, Fernando pressed his lips against Horace's, not letting her respond. Having no time to think, she tried to pull away but Fernando only pulled her closer, not allowing her to resist his firm grasp. He held the kiss for a couple of seconds, and Horace felt like she was in a trance. What had happened, what was he doing, why was he doing it?! She knew he was hot, but she felt a deep pang of guilt in her chest, memories flooding back from earlier that evening, when Alejandro had poured his heart out to her. She knew he would be upset if he found out she had been kissed by Fernando! As soon as he pulled away, she gasped for air, even though it had only been around five seconds.

She stared at him, and he only stared back, as if his eyes were gazing into her very soul. She sat there, frozen, now in his arms, as he had moved his hand up to her back during the kiss. She wanted to run, but she was stuck there. No words would come out of her mouth, her throat wasn't working. It was like her vocal cords had been ripped out by a carnivorous beast.

She slowly stood up, not taking her eyes off Fernando. Backing away, her slow stumble quickly turned into a full-on sprint, as she ran away from Fernando.

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