Chapter 6

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Horace's eyes widened in surprise, and she tried to be gracious and understanding with her words.

"O-oh. I see. Do... Do you want to talk about it?"

Alejandro sighs. "I haven't, or... not in a while anyway. But I guess I probably should." He avoids her gaze, (which she understands because she's just so emotionally available for him all the time) and starts to talk in a soft, vulnerable voice, unlike his usual deep and sensual one.

"It all started when I was a wee lad. Er- foal. Mi madre had always cared about me deeply, and had hated my father. He was absent from my life most of the time, and he would always get drunk off his salt lick. Mi Madre had started to drift away from him, and she eventually got absolutely down and dirty with... another man. Or... ahem... another horse..."

Alejandro's sparkly eyes hinted at tears welling up in his little amazing and perfect orbs, but he was a strong stallion and could never cry.

"Do horses even do that...?" Horace questioned.

"Stop asking questions, you're making plot holes."


"Mi madre got pregnant, and eventually had... Fernando.... I grew to resent him, knowing he tore my family apart. Mi madre had paid more and more attention to him, and less and less to me. I am a far better racer than him, but I never got any of the credit. This is the first time I've seen him in... some years."

Horace's eyes soften, her bones squishy.

"I-... I had no idea. I'm sorry-"

"No, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

Horace smiles, such an empath. She knew he needed comfort, so she blessed him with her presence. How kind of her.

"I understand. It's completely normal for such a manly man- er- horse like you to need to express his emotions sometimes.

Alejandro smiled in gratefulness. "Thank you. Nobody but you has ever understood me before. It really means a lot to me."

"I actually have some experience myself, my mom cheated on my father too. It was devastating, which is why my dad's an alcoholic now." Horace says this with a smile on her face.

Alejandro smiles too. "Women don't deserve rights."

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