Chapter 5

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Alejandro ran on the treadmill, a faint whirring sound coming from the engine, which Horace ignored because it was probably fine. She leaned against the fence surrounding the exercise area, watching as Alejandro trained elegantly, his stallion body strong and hardworking. For a moment, Horace forgot he was even a horse, as his perfect hair fell against his snatched cheekbones, and luscious lips looked ready for puckering. No, what was she thinking?! He was a horse, that's bestiality. Still, she couldn't help but imagine his face, rose petals gliding in the wind, a ray of heavenly light beaming down upon his perfectly sculpted features, his seductive eyes reading her soul.

As he ran on the treadmill, a bit of smoke came out of the bottom of the treadmill, and it seemed to buckle under him. Horace's perfect and shiny and beautifully perfect eyes widened at the sight of it, scared of what was happening. Was Alejandro going to be okay? The treadmill seemed to disappear in a puff of smoke, and he seemed completely fine. How did he just do that?

"What was-" Alejandro cut her off, his seductive voice perfectly deep and trusting, gently caressing her ear canals.

"Disposable treadmills. It's what happens when you order from Temu." He smiles at her, chuckling. She laughs delicately in response, she would have to do some adjusting to get used to life on this farm.

Without warning, a new treadmill drops from the sky, soaring as if it had wings. All Horace could do was smile, charmed by this new rural life. She watched as Alejandro stepped onto the new treadmill, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead as he ran vigorously. She was entranced by his aura, such a hardworking man-- well, horse. Such a hardworking horse. She was still having trouble grasping this concept, and although she knew this, she couldn't deny the obvious and prevalent feelings she had for him. She knew she liked him as a friend, his personality was amazingly perfect, and they were meant for each other, but she could tell that there was something else. When she looked at him, her stomach seemed to knot up, her vocal cords entangled, not allowing her to speak in anything but stuttery sentences that were utterly adorable of course. What else would they be? She was Horace, which meant she was perfect, and still is. As Alejandro trained vigorously, she watched him. Everything seemed to be going perfectly well, he was training great, and she had someone to talk to. Everything was-

"Howdy, there!"

She turned her head to face him, his stubby potato self stumbling forward to face her.

"What are you doing here?" She looks at him, then back at Alejandro, who is also looking at him.

"I've come with a friend! There's a new horse on the ranch, and I thought I'd introduce you to him. His name is Fernando.

Alejandro's eyes suddenly snapped away from the treadmill, and he quickly looked around for the horse. "Where is he." He says this in a sharp tone, and there seems to be a hint of worry in his voice. Horace is slightly confused by this, he normally isn't this uptight. The potato man smiles.

"He's just here!" The potato man motions with his tiny and almost nonexistent hands to a tall figure, making his way towards them.

He was tall and muscular, and Horace could tell he knew who he was. He looked as if he had been transported from a different dimension, his muscular build far different from Alejandro's sleeper build.

As she looked up at his face, she finally realized just how absolutely sculpted his cheekbones were, the one thing he had in common with Alejandro. His green, seductive orbs seemed to glimmer in the afternoon sun, and nothing about him was delicate, unlike Alejandro, who was gentle but yet so stern when he wanted to be. She looked back at Alejandro, who seemed to be glaring at Fernando. Not just glaring, there was something else in his eyes... fear...?

"Are you alright?" Fernando asked, his tone sugary sweet. Alejandro just snorted, his hoof stomping onto the ground.

"I should go, training has tired me out. Horace?" He looks down at her, his ear twitching, almost as if expecting her to come with him.

"I- uhh... yeah. Bye Fernando, I'll see you later!" She waved her dainty hand goodbye to him, smiling with her perfectly white and straight teeth, (she never got braces, she was perfect at birth), and walked with Alejandro back to the stables.

As she entered the stables with Alejandro, he was quiet. Unusually quiet. She knew he was hiding something, she could tell. All she had to do was ask him about it. It couldn't be that hard, right?

"Can I... ask you something?" Alejandro turned to face her, nodding permission.

"I feel like... something's bothering you. You're not acting normal, and I can't help but be a little worried."

Alejandro's eyes quickly diverted her gaze, almost as if he didn't want to look her in the eyes.

"No, I'm fine." His tone was sharp, and his short answer signaled the end of the conversation, but Horace knew she didn't believe him one bit.

"No, really. I can tell something's wrong, you don't normally act like this. Even though I've only known you for two days, I understand who you are at heart. I'm just... worried!"

Alejandro's teeth clenched as he spoke. "I told you, I'm fine. I don't know why you're getting so worked up about this, why can't you just believe me?"

Horace had to do something, she couldn't just let Alejandro suffer in silence.

"Stop lying to me, please, just tell me what's wrong-"
"NOTHING'S WRONG!" The yell sent a shiver down Horace's spine, and she stared at him in silence, she had never seen him angry.

Alejandro breathed heavily as he looked down at her tiny and dainty figure, and noticed the scared look on her face, to which his gaze immediately softened and his eyes widened.

"I-... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I just..." He sighed, and sat down on the straw-covered floor.

"It's okay, I knew something was bothering you. You can talk to me if you want." Horace smiled softly, and sat down with him, the straw on the ground bending physics so as not to get on her perfect dress.

"That guy... Fernando. Let's just say... we know each other."

Horace tilts her head, waiting for Alejandro to explain more, since her big pink girly brain needs as much information as possible so as not to be like other girls.

"We're family, I suppose. Although I hate to say it." Alejandro cringed at the word 'family', and looked like he wanted to puke.

"Soo... are you guys brothers?" Horace asked, and she looked up at him with her innocent and sparkling eyes.

It took Alejandro a while to respond, but once he did-- "Half brothers."

Horace and the HorseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora