Meeting the Cellmate

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I was eventually led to a tiny cell which had a large vacationer that had a thick rope consistency mustache. His orange Woolen skin and champagne hair laid in thick rope like pieces that were tied up in a low ponytail. The Vaycay islander looked like his fur was super comfortable to lay on. I smiled as I shyly waved at him especially since he was easily three times my size.

He looked at me as I was handed a tiny prison uniform it was a blinding orange color with a sewn in patch on the chest that had the number 1226 in black thread.

"Hey little man!" His chilled out voice made my anxiousness fade into a calm state of mind,

His thin arms and legs were, covered by the same obnoxious orange jumpsuit except instead of my number he had the number 546 on his chest. He laid his hand flat on the ground allowing me to climb up and he placed me next to him.

"Hi sir, I'm Veneer." I nervously looked up at him while he turned his head to give me some privacy and I peeled off my glittering gold crop top that stuck to my body like a second skin followed by my shorts. Then I put my legs through the loose cotton pantsuit and pulled them up until my arms were fully through and I dragged the zipper through the teeth of the suit.

I poked the Vacaytioner in his almost non existent thigh and he turned his head back towards me and he smiled at me softly.

"Don't worry Venny, they're pretty lax here, the most you'll have to do is just not to make the guards mad, trust me learned my lesson the hard way." I nodded in joy at the knowledge that they wouldn't do anything mean to Velvet. But that did raise a question in my mind to the fuzzy man,

"Why what did you say?" I definitely wanted to avoid saying anything that would set them off into a punishment frenzy.

The older man leaned down and whispered in my ear,

"I told them that Brozone was overrated" i snorted and exclaimed,

"That's it!?"

"Yep those Rageons LOVE trolls like Brozone, or any troll they love the music man~But as long as you don't say stuff like that they'll leave you alone."that made me more nervous as me and my sister unknowingly kidnapped a member of Brozone who happened to be the most liked member.

God I feel so stupid and disgusting about what we've done.

"Why are you here Mister?" I held on to his spool like finger and wrapping my tail around his wrist as I rested myself against his forearm.

"Well that's a bit of a long story, I made a strand of a certain plant that I called chocolate roses, it was supposed to make people love each other and help them like love more man- anyway I happened to carry it on me while I was visiting Rageous and they randomly searched me." Oh that's a not good especially if he didn't mean to have any nefarious intentions then he was in here for such a crummy reason.

"So little buddy you gonna tell me why your here." He poked his finger softly into my soft stomach pudge. I shivered as my charges came to the surface.

"That's a bit of a long story," I started and stopped when the large orange man interrupted me with a,

"I mean we got time little man." To be fair he was right, I have at least two more years before I got released.

"Alright I guess I should probably start from the beginning right? I mean my childhood does kinda tie in and-"

"Hey you don't gotta justify yourself, if you wanna talk about it then go ahead, you share what you want to lil guy."

I took a breath and started to tell him,


"Veneer! Sweetheart!" A loud sob broke me from my dreams as I was met with my mothers weeping golden eyes

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