Day 2: a new friendship forms

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I felt a poke in my nose with husky masculine chuckle following it, most likely at me crinkling my nose in despair at being woken up.

I blearily opened my eyes to be met with the sight of another troll, this one was completely different than me,

His thick curly mustache and mullet were an bleached blonde as his skin was a dazzling shade of sunshine yellow, however his lower half was that of a horse, his hooves were a shiny obsidian black, with the skirt of his tail being a glittering aquamarine blue.

"Howdy partner, heard ya new around here, I couldn't wait to meet ya, never seen a pop troll before." I stood on top of the oversized mattress that was thinner than a potato chip and nodded my head as he inspected me from head to toe,

"Ya a quiet one huh? I don't mind, I can talk of the both of us." I nervously moved closer to the new troll and opened my mouth,

"So um.. not to be like rude or anything but I know that you're a troll like me but what type are you?" I've never seen such a unique looking troll before especially one that was a centaur before, with his fuzzy pink bottom half being littered with tattoos.

"Ah so he can speak! I was born and raised in lonesome flats, the home of the country trolls~" he gripped the edges of his open jumpsuit that was really just a bright eye blistering orange jacket with his number on it since it made no sense to make him a full jumpsuit since his bottom half was that of a horse.

But country huh? That's definitely interesting... as I nodded listening to him explain his genre of music.

"That's really neat! Can you sing something for me?" I bounced in anticipation at possibly experiencing something new. My eyes must've been sparkling with enjoyment because he let out a chuckle,

"Only if you sing with me and I get a something in return fruitcake~" he said to me in a baby voice and the sound of that nickname I groaned out as I whipped my tail against my leg in annoyance,

"Oh god not you too!" I threw my arms up in the air as I wailed the lament of my brand shiny new nickname.

"Sorry doll face, Gravy talks to everyone~" I groaned as I hid my face in my hands as I slid down to the floor, aka the oversized paper thin mattress that's supposed to fit someone who's 8x my size.

"Yeah but that's offensive especially since this Gravy guy was referring to the fact that I'm gay." I pouted and crossed my arms only for him to let go of a small hum of acknowledgement of where I was coming from but he answered me,

"He said that to be nice darling , everyone's callin' you that for helping ya sister with her psycho shit. I mean keepin' another troll hostage just cause ya sister can't sing, that's what makes ya a fruitcake." He poked me in my nose with his glossy clean nail.

"I mean she wasn't the only one who couldn't sing-" I tried to steer this away from my sister only for him to rapidly respond with,

"That's not what that pink troll was telling everyone-" he pointed backwards with his thumb outside my cell with a raised eyebrow.

"What?!" I snarled at him, hoping for a response from the country troll,

"Yeah we kinda watched ya and ya sister get arrested on tv and we listened in on his testimony after they booked ya. I think he went to go after visiting hours yesterday." I rapidly blinked as my eyes started hurting from how wide eyed I was at his words,

"I don't understand why he keeps defending me." I sighed as I let my body slide down to the floor mindful of my tail as I covered my face with my knees as I tucked my nose into my thighs.

"I don't blame him, he vouched that ya sister was nuttier than squirrel shit and just dragged ya for the ride and if some of that stuff ya sister put ya through is true then I feel bad for ya." I sighed as I laid my chin on my knees as I weakly tried to defend my sister,

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