Principal Tsunade's Office

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The picture on the top is Lady Tsunade's stress, because she can't believe that there's drama on the first day XD hope you enjoy this chapter
- Violet

(No ones pov)
They followed Mr. Hatake to Principal Tsunade's office, but Eren and Armin didn't get in trouble because they didn't throw food, only the Naruto gang, and when they made it to the office he made everyone go inside the room, Mr. Hatake told what happened and Principal Tsunade grunted.
"I can't believe this, it's the first day of school, it's not even passed noon yet, and there's drama already!!!"
Everyone looked down on the floor in shame,"Sorry Principal Tsunade" they said in unison.
Tsunade removed her hand from her head and said,"Okay, let's hear Sakura's side of the story."
Sakura nodded her head,"Okay well, I was having a good conversation with my friends, until this kid-" she pointed at Black Star, "Threw his nachos on my back so I defended myself."
"Is this all true?" Principal Tsunade asked looking at Black Star.
Black Star nodded his head in shame.
"And now for you-" said Principal Tsunade looking at Mellow, "So you are the one who yelled food fight?"
"Yes ma'am" said Mellow while nodding his head.
Black Star was looking around the room, and he saw that Mr. Hatake was reading his "book."
"Principal Tsunade?" Asked Black Star
"Are porno books allowed in Anime High?"
"Yeah, Mr. Hatake has that book again."
Mr. Hatake looked up from his "book" and said,"Oh sorry Lady Tsunade..." And he put the book away. Then a bell rung out of nowhere.
Principal Tsunade cleared her throat,"Okay, let's try to make it quick because the next period has started, so I need to know all your names, since you all are the main reason for this food fight, and since its the first day of school, you will only get a documentary referral, so let's start from left to right."
Naruto was the first one up,"Naruto Uzumaki."
"Sasuke Uchiha."
"Sakura Haruno."
"Ino Yamanaka."
"Hin... Hinata Hyuga."
"Neji Hyuga."
"Rock Lee."
"Kiba Inuzuka."
"Shino Aburame."
(Naruto's pov)
Our side was finally finish saying our names, now it was time for the others to say there names. Principal Tsunade looked at the kid with white, spiky hair.
He said,"Soul....Soul Eater."
So his name is Soul, I thought.
Then Principal Tsunade looked at the girl with pigtails.
"Maka Albarn" she said.
Then Principal looked at Black Star he said very weirdly,"Black Star, and by the way, you have better boobs then Maka."
Kiba chuckled and Maka went up to Black Star and she said "Maka chop??"
Principal Tsunade giggled and looked at the girl with brown hair.
"Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, please excuse my partner, Black Star, for his behavior" she said shyly.
She then looked at Mellow, and he said,"Mellow."
"Okay, you are lucky that this is only a warning, but next time it won't be, behave more better, and do not start spreading stuff, because it's going to get bigger and harder next time."
"Hmph, that's what she said" said Soul, trying to say it himself, but everyone heard except the Principal and Mr. Hatake. I started to laugh because it was funny and everyone else joined, except Hinata and Tsubaki.
Maka giggled,"Soul you nasty" and she punched him in the shoulder. Sasuke laughed and Soul looked at him and he began to laugh too. Then all of sudden, a second bell rung.
"Okay, okay, you are just here wasting my time because there seems no attention between yall, but since yall got in trouble, all of yalls punishment is to stay in OCS, just for today.
We all groaned together, Principal Tsunade shrugged her shoulders,"Hey, I have no other punishment for yall, now shoo, and take them to OCS Mr. Hatake."
Mr. Hatake nodded and told us to follow him.
"THANK YOU, BIG BOOB LADY" yelled Black Star.
Me and the guys laughed.
"So are we all chill now?" I asked.
Soul shrugged his shoulders,"I guess, Black Star?"
Black Star put a thumb up in front of me and Sasuke,"Yeah we all good."
"What about the ladies?" Asked Lee.
We all turned to the girls to see them talking.
"Looks like they're gossiping already about their crushes and boyfriends" said Kiba in a girly way. Me and the guys laughed again until Mr. Hatake stopped suddenly in front of a room.
"Here we are, just go inside and take a seat anywhere, there's no teacher in this class, but the thing is you can't escape, until me or the staff come and open the door, and if you need anything, click the button next to the door in the inside."
Mr. Hatake pushed all of us inside and closed the door rapidly.
"Well, someone wants to read their book badly" said Black Star, and everyone in the room laughed.

Soo, did you like this chapter???? Probably not because it sucked ;(, I know, I feel that everything that I write sucks, wait not feel but KNOW it does. Well I hope you enjoyed this
- Violet <3

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