Second Day, Can Be Deaden

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Hey people who are reading this fanfic :) I hope you are enjoying this fanfiction so far, and I hope you'll like this chapter
Opinions would be nice :)
I don't care if they're mean or nice, that's what's life about.
Yes, I just had to put that picture of Shikamaru on the top XD it relates with deaden....
Lol and the meaning of deaden in the chapter title is....
Deaden- Make less lively, become lifeless
Lol enjoy
- Violet <3

(Naruto's Pov)
I woke up from my alarm clock, which said 6:00 am. I felt like a zombie, I regret staying up late. After what seemed like forever, I got up, grabbed my phone and plugged it in so it would charge, then I went to the bathroom to take a bath.
I got out the shower, went to my room to put on my uniform, and went back to the bathroom to brush my hair. I finished brushing my hair and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I first got a bowl and put the cereal in the bowl, then I went to the refrigerator to get some milk. I grabbed the milk carton, not really paying attention on the way I was pouring, so I ended up pouring a lot, I mean a lot! Of milk on my table.
I went to go get a napkin and cleaned up that mess, which was very icky.
I grabbed the milk carton again to pour it for my cereal, this time I was paying attention. I was pouring the milk for my cereal and realized it only filled less than a half in the bowl.
I was really pissed but I still ate it like that anyway. After I was finished with my cereal, I put my bowl in the sink, went to the restroom to brush my teeth, unplugged my phone and put it in my pocket, grabbed my gym clothes for p.e, grabbed my backpack, and went out the door.
I was walking my way to school, using the GPS on my phone, I was still pissed about the milk incident, that I felt like smashing my phone to the ground. I was paying attention to my phone, that I bumped in to someone. I looked up to see Itachi, Sasuke's older brother, and next to him was Sasuke.
"Hi Naruto" Itachi said.
"Hey" Sasuke said.
"Sorry, hehehe..... I wasn't really paying attention if someone was in front of me."
"It's alright" said Itachi.
Itachi was looking up at the sky and I was looking straight. I turned and looked at Sasuke, to see he had red eyes.
"Hey Sasuke, why are your eyes red, ohhhh I remember it's because-"
Sasuke gave me the 'shut up' face look and I giggled because I wasn't supposed to say that.
Itachi looked at Sasuke and looked into his eyes,"Hey Naruto's right, your eyes are red, why?"
Sasuke looked the other way,"Umm I don't know, maybe my eyes are just like that...."
Itachi looked at Sasuke and said,"Mm hmm."
I started to laugh way to much then I was supposed to.
Sasuke and Itachi both chuckled and Itachi looked at me,"Hey Naruto, your eyes are red too?"
I turned away,"Maybe my eyes are just like that, or, I may or may not have stayed up late texting some of my friends, NOT SAYING I DID, hehehe" I said while rubbing the back of my head.
Sasuke face palmed while Itachi chuckled,"Uh huh, so I'm guessing you both stayed up late texting?"
"No" we said in unison.
Itachi chuckled once more,"I already know you both did, you don't have to hide it from me."
We both sweat dropped.
Then our walk to school went silent, next thing you know, we made it!
"Yo Itachi" said a girl (or boy?) With blonde hair (sounded like a dude though.)
"I got to go guys, see you later lil bro, bye Naruto."
Me and Sasuke waved goodbye to Itachi and off we went to our first period.
(Naruto's Pov)
Right now, I am bored! I'm in Mr. L's class right now and we are just doing a review on everything we remember. I was to busy thinking about lunch, and staring at the window, I was falling asleep, but I payed half attention to class. Next thing you know, I get called on.
"Mr. Uzumaki, what is the answer to this problem?"
I then woke up to reality,"Yes Mr. L?"
"What's the answer to this" he said while pointing at the board.
I looked at the board and the problem said....
-8 + 6 x 34 - (-45)= ____
I just kept staring at the board, think Naruto think!!! Ughhh what should I say?!?!
Then it hit me.
"21" I said in that funny weird voice. Everyone in the class began to laugh and I felt like a king😎👑.
"Actually Mr. Uzumaki, it's 241, good try though."
I went back to daydreaming about getting a nice nap after school and eating well at lunch, and I wasn't paying attention to class this time.
I was dreaming about ramen until I heard a bell ring, class dismissed, I thought.
I grabbed my books, waved goodbye to Mellow, Light, Near, and Hinata, her face turned red, I really think she needs to go check a doctor because she looks sick, and I left the classroom.
I went inside Mr. Hatake's class, which was the same as always, him reading that "book", while we talk. I was talking with Sasuke, Kiba, Eren, Sakura, and Ino. First thing we talked about was what we were going to have for lunch today, then wondering what our next classes would be (except Eren, because he didn't get in trouble), and then how bad of a teacher Mr. Hatake was. Then a bell rung and we all started to grab our stuff and exit the room.
"I let yall have free time today, but tomorrow we will get right to work" said Mr. Hatake.
I chuckled at that because I knew it wasn't true and went to go search for my locker.
(Naruto's Pov)
I yelled in my head. I was closing my locker, and once more I saw Eren at his locker.
"Yo Eren!"
I walked toward him to give him a brofist (haha this is for yall PewDiePie lovers, I love poodiepie)
"So you want to eat lunch together again with some friends, WITHOUT yall getting in trouble" asked Eren.
"Sure, I'm starving."
Eren put his textbooks in his locker, slammed it shut, and we walked together to lunch.
When me and Eren entered the room, hmmm I smelled delicious food. I ran to the lunch line, not paying attention really, and the next thing I knew, I bumped in into someone. I looked up and saw a girl, she looked physically fit, chin-length black hair, she has an average height, pale skin and calm, black eyes, with a small scar under her right eye.
She looked at me with no emotion, which gave me a chill down the spin. She then looked at Eren, she then had wide eyes and smiled,"Hi Eren."
Eren waved back and smiled,"Naruto, this is Mikasa my foster sister or as I like to say, older sister, Mikasa, this is Naruto, my best friend."
Mikasa looked at me and her cold face disappeared to a smile. I smiled back of course, wow she doesn't look bad.... Wait Naruto what are you saying, she doesn't like you.
"Why are you in freshman lunch time Mikasa" asked Eren.
Mikasa flipped her bangs out of her face and then spoke.....
Zayummmm, I thought. (Lol I'm sorry I just had to)
Mikasa then spoke,"I got in trouble in 2nd period so he called some 9th grade teacher to see if I could come with yall and that teacher said yeah so um yeah."
"Oh well um, do you want to sit by us, if it's okay with Naruto?..."
Eren then looked at me,"Umm yeah it's fine with me" I said.
"Okay" Mikasa said with a heartwarming smile.
I couldn't help but smile back.
We either had a choice of a hamburger/cheeseburger with fries or a salad with cheese on the side, if you want to add cheese.
I picked a cheeseburger with fries, Mikasa picked a salad, and Eren picked a hamburger with fries. As we were leaving the lunch line, I was searching for our table and I found Sasuke waving at us. He waved hi to me, without noticing Mikasa, when he saw Mikasa, his jaw dropped. I smirked and chuckled a bit cause I knew exactly why, duhh she's smoking hot.
When we sat down, I noticed that Black Star, Tsubaki, Soul, and Maka were sitting with us, Armin was already there, and Ino glared at me and Eren.
"So are you going to introduce me to your new friend" she asked.
"Well she's my foster sister but I like to call her older sister" answered Eren.
"If she's your older sister, why is she with us."
Jelly much Ino, hahaha, because she way better looking then you, I thought.
"I got in trouble in class, so my punishment was to stay at freshman lunch time" answered Mikasa.
"Oh okay" answered Ino sarcastically.
"We should all introduce ourselves to my older sister, let her introduce herself then we go in a circle introducing ourselves, and she says her like, her likes dislikes and who she lives with."
We all nodded our head in agreement and Mikasa started,"Hi I'm Mikasa Ackerman, I like to exercise, that's why I'm in the school track team, and I'm in a kickboxing academy, and I hate seeing nature getting hurt, and I live in an apartment with Eren and Armin."
I couldn't just help but stare at her as she talked, I noticed she saw me staring so I looked down.
"Hey I'm Eren Yeager, and you already know me Mikasa."
"Hi Mikasa, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, we meet like 5 minutes ago."
"Hey the names Sasuke Uchiha."
"Hey Mikasa, we live together so yeah" said Armin while laughing a bit.
"Kiba Inuzuka, nice to meet you Mikasa."
"Rock Lee, at your service."
"Neji Hyuga."
"Sakura Haruno, good to meet you."
"Ino Yamanaka, it's.... Nice to meet you" said Ino, ending with a sarcastic laugh and smile.
"Hinata Hyuga, it's very nice to meet you, hope we can be.... Um... Friends."
"Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, it's a pleasure to meet you Mikasa."
"The names Black Star, call me up if you need me baby."
I looked at Mikasa, which she had an awkward face and said,"Umm... Okay?..."
"I'm sorry about Black Star" Tsubaki said shyly with an apologetic voice.
"The names Soul.... Soul Eater."
"Hi, I'm Maka Albarn" Maka said with a smile and a wave.
"It's very nice to meet-"
"Mikasa, you can return to your classes now."
"Oh okay..... Bye guys I'll see yall.... Soon?"
We all waved goodbye to Mikasa and I didn't know how to feel.
Am I falling in love with her?.....
Nah I just met her....
We were talking while playing on our phones. Then it was time to leave lung. I threw my trash away and went to the hallways to search for my locker.
I got to my locker, and checked my schedule. Physical Education (a.k.a p.e)
was my 4th period. I grabbed my gym clothes, looked on the map to see where was the gym, and I was on my way to the gym. The gym wasn't very far, I made it to the room with huge letters that said.....
Boys Gym
I immediately knew I was at the right place. The gym was next to the girls gym, and across from the swimming pool, the swimming pool is only for athletes who took swimming. I entered the gym, on the left was the huge gym, on the far right was the locker rooms. I wasn't paying attention and got a tap on the shoulder, I turned around, and saw Guy.
"Hello Naruto, I'm Coach Guy, go to the boys locker room to change into your gym clothes, here is a key to your gym locker, and if you didn't bring any gym clothes I have some extra right here."
He pulled out a green suit, that was very stretchy, I immediately sweat dropped.
"No thank you, I have my own gym clothes right here."
I then jogged away to the boys locker room and opened the door. I saw a lot of boys who were in line for the stalls, so I found a dark corner and changed.
I found my locker, (which was #18), put my uniform in the locker, and left the boys locker room. I went to the gym and Coach Guy told me to sit down on the floor. After five minutes, all the guys were in the gym and Coach Guy said we are going to do hurdles outside. All the guys went outside and I saw 5 lanes with hurdles set up.
"Okay, we are going to do five people at a time, you, you, you, you, and you come here and everyone else, line up at a lane" said Coach Guy while pointing when he was saying you. The first five got ready to run and off they went. People were talking to each other, while I just stayed quiet because I didn't see anyone familiar. I was looking around and saw someone familiar, Shikamaru. He was also looking around and he also saw me.
"Hey Naruto."
"Hey Shikamaru."
"Well looks like we are going to be racing each other."
"I don't really feel like running, not my thing."
"I already know you haha" I said while me and Shikamaru were laughing.
"Sooo now wha-"
Shikamaru was interrupted by someone screaming.
Me and Shikamaru were trying to look at what was happening and I saw a boy who is skinny, possess eyes with two shades of yellow ringing around his pupil. The outside ring is a bright yellow while the inner ring is a dark yellow, similar to the color of gold. He was wearing a plain white shirt with logos on each side, I thought they only put one logo but hmph I don't know.
The boy ran and fixed the hurdles straight and ran back into line, next to me.
"Hey, I'm Naruto" I said.
"Hey, I'm Death The Kid, but I like being called Kid."
Me, Kid, and Shikamaru were talking until it was our turn.
We all got into a running position, waiting for Coach Guy to say go.
Shikamaru then lifted his head,"Do we have to do this?" He then sighed,"What a drag" and off we went running
The rest of a day, was a drag, like Shikamaru would say, and finally, school was over and we all started to leave school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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