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I was woken up by Quartz. "What are you doing Quartz" I groaned pulling the blanket over my head. "It's 4 p.m and I thought you maybe wanted to spend some alone time together? he asked desperately. "I doubt that its 4 p.m also isn't Ruby in here?" I asked while trying to go back to sleep. "Nope Jade, Ruby, and Aqua have gone shopping for clothes, and don't worry I asked Ruby to get you some." He smiled. "Fine but i'm so tired" I spun out of bed not too eager to leave it. "I brought your favorite food and the only reason I know is because I looked up information about you using your full name Amethyst stone." Quartz said while giving me some red velvet cake. I guess I had never made the connection before but my last name rather went with the prophecy. "Cake as breakfast, best day ever" I hugged him. After I finished my so-called breakfast Quartz turned serious. "Amethyst what really happened yesterday I mean people don't get the energy taken out of them normally" He questioned me. I looked down, I thought to myself should I tell but I have already told him so much I didn't want to drag him any deeper into this then he has to be. "I'm not sure I was just meditating and fainted" I lied. "And what about the scream we heard?" He said giving me a questionable gaze. "I just fell on the ground really hard and was in pain." I kept lying. "I know you don't want to tell me and that's fine" He said placing his hand on my lap. "Just know i'm here for you and I will always be" He said making my heart ache. What was this feeling? "Quartz i'm so sorry I can't tell you" I said holding back some tears. He hugged me tight, I felt like I never wanted this hug to end I would fight forever to not let that moment slip but all good things had to come to an end. He pulled away making me feel lost again. Me and Quartz talked for about another hour but then heard the doorbell ring. "That must be the others I'll open the door" Quartz said rushing downstairs. Ruby ran upstairs and hugged me. "So I know you don't like color that much so I got you a bunch of black and white clothes" Ruby told me as she ran to our room and bounced on her bed. "Ruby I need to tell you something'' I said shutting the door. I explained all about the prophecy to her and what we were destined to do and what I was to do after. Ruby looked stunned as I finished, she looked as though her world had been crumbled and ripped to shards. "So we are supposed to kill everyone here and destroy the earth to make a new earth." she said still stunned. I nodded my head telling her yes. "And you haven't told any of the others?" She said growing a tad bit mad. I shook my head. The ends of her hair lit on fire, "Why didn't you tell me Amy this prophecy isn't just about you it's about all of us and you kept that from us, How could you" She teared up. ''I'm sorry Ruby I was scared" I explained trying to make her relax. "We are all scared, Amethyst but we all tell each other what's going on but you kept this from me, from all of us. Why Amethyst do you keep me in the dark i'm your best friend you said it yourself?" She asked, about to set the fire alarms off. I started crying, "Out of everyone here why did I think you would understand?" I cried feeling my powers begin to get out of control. She looked guilty seeing how upset I was "Amy i'm sorry I didn't-" She tried to say but I cut her off, "Ruby I can see how you think of me you think I should've pushed my fear aside and pushed my feelings aside to tell you." I said getting closer almost completely losing myself. "You probably think i'm weak for not telling you" I said forming a ball of energy in my hand. She tried to shoot me with some lava but I had lost control and didn't feel a thing. I used the energy and blasted her knocking her against the dresser making a loud sound. Quartz opened the door and was shocked to see what I was doing. "Amethyst stop now" he yelled. I turned to him, "Shut up or your next" I said refocusing my attention on Ruby. "The prophecy will be fulfilled whether I kill you now or later" I warned Ruby. "But for now I release her body or kill you, hmm how about I decide" I laughed. Ruby looked as if she was crying. "I will leave you but be warned next time you try to mess with the prophecy" I said while right after falling to the ground. Quartz ran past me and dashed to Ruby helping her up. Little did Quartz know I was in intolerable pain I couldn't move and I couldn't talk. Turns out the pain does come from Ruby's blast just after I come back. I tried to look at myself but only saw burn marks all over my body. I closed my eyes trying to ignore the pain. I woke up to Ruby healing me but leaving as soon as I woke up. She left me with almost all of the scars and it was still impossible for me to move but soon I realized I was healing on my own at very fast speeds, after ten minutes of agony my pain was over. I walked to the living room still limping a little and heard Quartz explaining to the other stones, "Alright since Amethyst can't control her powers shes going to get her own room with a bunch of locks, we won't open the door and no one's allowed in there. We will slip her food under her door so we can protect ourselves." I started crying, they all thought of me as a monster. I walked past the living room leaving everyone surprised. "Amy I thought you were with Ruby healing" Quartz turned his head to find Ruby. "Nope Ruby left me with a bunch of scars, turns out I can heal myself. Also I heard everything and I'm done with you guys thinking i'm a monster" I said running off taking my bags with me. They didn't think of me as a person anymore just a monster in a prophecy. I ran to another neighborhood and sat on the side of the road. I had brought some cash with me and a hot dog. I was starving so I quickly ate the hot dog. "Guess this is my life now, just a monster with no home and no one to help her" I mumbled to myself. tossing a ball in the air and catching it. I cried at the thought of Aqua, Jade, Ruby, and especially Quartz thinking I was a monster and not caring that I was gone. I needed to wipe these awful thoughts from my head so I began to meditate. I had found peace in meditation ever since I got my powers, it helps me not lose control and hurt people but it's not always enough to keep down the evil side of me. The one who takes control of my body when I'm mad. I wanted to keep this side locked away for ever and worked harder and harder each day but I didn't get what I wished for. Guess I just can't get anything to go right today as while shopping for food I ran into the last people I wanted to see, Quartz and Ruby.

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