The end-part 1

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I woke up to the beautiful sunset, but this didn't feel as beautiful as it did back at the tent because I knew the end was near. I opened the window letting the cold air breeze consume me. I stood there for a while thinking about what the new day brings. It was rather cold today so after about twenty minutes I shut the window as I was getting quite cold. The day seemed like a beautiful day to go out and play, If I wouldn't have been told this I wouldn't even know that this was one of the last days before the prophecy would be fulfilled. I had a weird feeling in my gut that things are going to happen, bad things. After shutting the windows I walk the white spiral staircase leading me downstairs. No one was down there, so I decided to make some sandwiches for everyone. After a few minutes I was done with all five sandwiches and grabbed mine and went back up to my room. I knew it was early but it was very quiet so I went to go check on Quartz. "Hey sleepy head." I giggled making him open his eyes. "It's so early" He moaned. "Okay I guess the sandwiches I made will go bad." I try to tempt him. "Fine Amy but it's only because I'm so hungry" He finally agreed. We both went downstairs to see that Ruby and Aqua had just got down too and were eating their sandwiches. I gave Quartz his and they all started eating, I was just sitting there as I had eaten my sandwich earlier. "Let's hope we don't have to do a lot today, nothing involving the prophecy." Aqua said while basically inhaling her sandwich. Quartz nodded his head still half asleep. "This is pay back for waking me up so early the other day." I joked to him. "That was four p.m and it's six a.m.There's a total difference right there." Quartz laughed. We hear footsteps coming down the stairs, "Good morning Jade" Ruby guessed who it was. "Morning" Jade yawned. "So anyway, I have a plan to stop the prophecy. We could all work together and lock ourselves somewhere. We would have all our food and water and phone and we would unlock the door when the day is over" Quartz explained making Jade yawn even louder. "Can't they just push back the day the prophecy is to be fulfilled?" Aqua asked Quartz making him put his hand over his mouth. "No it has to be on that specific day they can't push it back" I answer. "But what if they kick the door down or set the door on fire?" Ruby looked a little unsure of Quartz's plan. "I didn't think of that" He slapped himself on the forehead. At the time we all looked unsure, "You know what we will think of a plan later, right now do you guys wanna go ice skating. The rink is open." Aqua suggested. "Sure I have nothing to do" I said while looking at the others. They all nodded and agreed to the rink together. Once we got to rink Quartz put on his ice skates and tried to skate but tripped almost immediately, making the whole group burst out into laughter. I quickly put on my skates and skated, me and my family used to always skate so I was pretty good I also took some ice skating lessons so I knew a few tricks. "Guys what if I melt the ice" Ruby said worried. "Then we all run for our lives" Quartz answered less seriously. Ruby looked still scared so Jade helped her on the ice, to my surprise Ruby was an excellent skater and quickly let her guard down. "I refuse to believe this is your first time skating" I said to Ruby. "It's not ,I used to compete before I got my powers." She laughed. "And you seemed like you had ice skated before, did you?" Ruby asked. "Yeah I used to go all the time before I got these powers." I explained to her. "Watch this" she jumped in the air, rotating twice her hair twirling with her. She had a tight, elegant form before landing skillfully on one foot, creating an amazing moment of speed and precision. "That was amazing Ruby" I exclaimed. "Thank you Amy" She thanked me. I was showing Ruby some of my tricks but that's when the sky turned red. We stared at it in shock, "That is not normal" Jade shouted. "It has something to do with the prophecy I know it" I said still not breaking eye contact with the sky. "I think it's some kind of warning" Aqua said while squinting. "Well it's definitely one good warning." Quartz said while looking over at us. All of a sudden my head started vibrating and I fell to the ground. "Hello my daughter" My father grinned it gives me the chills. I recognize that he had not captured me and that i'm just in another dream. "The prophecy is coming whether you like it or not, don't try to stop it. You would just be wasting your time" He warned me. I stayed silent I was just hoping I would wake up soon and this would be over with. I opened my eyes to see the whole group worried and surrounding me. I sat up and quickly reassured them that I was completely fine and they didn't have to worry about me. It took some convincing before they finally let it go. "Guys if that's the first warning what are the other warnings going to be like" Jade asked us. "I don't know" Quartz said patting her on the back."Guys I think we should head home." I suggested and we all started walking home. Once there I went up to my room I didn't sleep but I was thinking about everything, but my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. "Come in" I yell. "Amy I have to tell you something" Quartz said closing the door. "Look I know we haven't been the best friends in the past but I" He stopped and blushed. "I really like you Amy and maybe we could be a thing?" He asked, I could tell he was nervous he was fidgeting with his hands. "Of course Quartz I love you too" I said by kissing him on the forehead. He smiled and blushed.

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