Friend or foe-Part one

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When I was faced with Quartz, and Ruby I tried to run but my arm was grabbed. "Amy don't go please, we didn't mean what we said we were just scared" I turned my head to Quartz almost crying. "And you think I wasn't scared?" I cried. "Amethyst you need to calm down your going to lose control." Quartz commanded. I took a deep breath to calm down. "Quartz I can control myself perfectly fine by myself" I said without looking at him in his eyes. "Really Amy, last time you completely lost control and you hurt Ruby" Quartz questioned her. "Quartz If you think i'm a monster or I can't be around other people that's fine but you're really not good at hiding that. I'm going to leave before I slam you into your shopping cart." I threatened him. Quartz stepped back and let me pass. "We're not your enemies Amy we're your friends" Ruby said as I walked off. I stopped "My friends shouldn't think i'm a monster" I continued walking after saying that. I walked back to where I sat on the streets this time with a bag of food. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked at all the photos I had of my mom and dad not my biological dad but my dad in my heart. I missed the calm and peaceful life I had, "Why didn't my parents just tell me maybe then we could've found a way out of this" I whispered to myself imagining my life without these powers. I could've been normal and had a bunch of friends and be happy but i'm stuck with this, I thought to myself. I heard a whisper coming from behind the trees. Instead of looking I closed my eyes and scanned for who It was Aquamarine just great. "Aqua I know you're there, you shouldn't try to sneak up on someone who can scan for heat signatures and scan for facial recognition." I said hinting for her to come over here. "Definitely not my smartest plan" She said coming from behind a tree. "Amy I get it I wouldn't be too thrilled if someone thought I was a monster and I can't control that. But Amy you're not alone in this I know you think you are but i'm here for you and so is Jade." She tried to comfort me. "Aqua I can't go back there" I said making sure she didn't get her hopes up on me returning. "Then i'm not either." She said confidently. "Jade let us burrow a lot of cash we can live off this for probably a year and then i'll go back to Jade" She said showing some money to me. "Of course that's if the prophecy does not-" She stopped herself. "Ruby told you?" I was a little upset. "I'm sorry" she apologized. "It's not your fault" I reassured her. I gave her an apple I had bought. "I also brought a tent" She said while holding up a black bag. That day was the best day I had since leaving the house. Her blue hair swirled in the wind as she helped me set up our tent. "It's rather windy today." She said because the tent kept almost flying away. "Do you think" I asked and looked up to her. "Quartz no, it took me hours to find you." Aqua said. After a few minutes the tent was finally set up and we finally went to sleep. Finally a friend I could trust, one I could rely on.

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