(Hope) Friend or foe- part 3

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After seeing the message I walked along with the other two silently. So this was their whole plan Aqua comes to live with me and tells Quartz where I am. We soon "Find" Ruby and Jade and they all head home including Aqua. I don't follow them and I whisper to myself, they are not my friends they are my enemies. "Amethyst are you coming?" Jade asked seeing I stopped following them. "No, this isn't my home anymore" I state. "But Amy, come on" Ruby begs. "No i'm not coming with you, but goodbye I guess." I say while walking away. I heard footsteps behind me but they soon came to a stop, great they had stopped following me. I walked for about an hour and finally found the perfect location far away from all the other stones. I put my stuff up and got settled in, the search for Ruby and Jade lasted for about an hour so I fell straight to sleep. And there I was ,the forest ahead of me, I took a deep breath and headed in the forest. The place hadn't changed much except a few more trees had burnt down, I had always wondered what happens when i'm not here, and how all the trees burn down. "Three days" I heard a whisper spiral around me. I stepped back, "Three days until what?" I asked a little frightened. "The prophecy gets fulfilled." The voice answered. "Why in three days, what is so special about it" I questioned the voice trying to get the most out of this dream before I woke up. "It's your parent's anniversary and when the prophecy was destined to be filled." The voice filled my head with questions. I tried to run through the forest in an attempt to avoid the voice, but the voice seemed to follow me wherever I went. "What if I don't want to" I said staring at the ground. "It's destined to, in other words you don't have a choice." He laughed. I chanted no, but nothing worked he wouldn't stop. I opened my eyes and popped up, I was definitely not where I fell asleep. It seemed I was in Jade's mini mansion she had. "How did they find me" I whispered to myself. I saw a piece of paper besides me and grabbed it, the note read, "Sorry Amy, you looked really sick on the street so we thought you would be safer with us." The note ended, I could tell who wrote this by his handwriting it was definitely Quartz. I swallowed my pride and went downstairs to tell them what I had dreamed about. "Amy you're okay" Aqua said while hugging me. I pushed her off lightly. "Guys, The prophecy is to be fulfilled in three days" I spat out. The room went silent, no one's gaze meeting each other but all still knowing the looks we have on our face. "How are we going to stop this thing?" Jade said bravely breaking the silence. "By working together" Ruby joined in on her optimism. "I agree we can get through this by working together and using our powers to our advantage" Aqua agreed. "There's no way we are beating them, They gave us these powers they probably know how to take them away" I sighed. "Well we will have to hope for the best" Quartz stated. I did a half smile, I knew It couldn't be stopped but at least I could say I tried.

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