Chapter 6

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(Sry for pic, I was away for like- a month (idk) and I managed to make two chapters and found so many god damn notifications. I'll probably upload the next chapter a few hours after this one.)

We played till dawn almost broke. Hopscoth, Five Stones, Rock Paper Scissors, Hide and Seek, Tag and more.

"We could play more tomorrow night, right?" He smiled and I nodded. His expression changed after a moment. "Is something wrong?" I cocked my head slightly. He shook his head and left, leaving me a bit puzzled.

My operation was going in a good direction, I'm close to him now. I went to my own room, which was a bit small.

Suddenly, I heard screams and pleas. A girl, who looks like my age, was thrown out of the house and burnt in the sun. Older sister, I guessed, before frowning, why did she look like Rui but I don't? Did she went through an operation?

I shook the thoughts away and my mind drifted to another person, Muichiro. What was he doing now? Did he miss me? Pretty sure he forgot me...


I turned to face Rui. "Hm?"

He held out his hands and stuck out one finger from each. I smiled and nodded and did the same. Chopsticks

In the end, we played for a long time. Very very very very very very very long.

I'm being dramatic, it was only an hour, but it felt suppppeerr long.

When night fell, we went out again to play. 

We continued the cycle, play in the home during day and outside at night. However, this time though, there was a change of plans.

I brought Rui away from the demon slayers. "Oka-san can handle it."

He nodded and we leaned on the tree trunks quietly. I decided to move to the next step. "Rui...are you happy with your family?"

He froze before replying, "Not really...but with you, I feel a bit happier. We are not blood related but...we are like a true family, bound by not fear, but love."

I smiled softly. "What if I told you..."

"...that I can give you a family that accepts you, regardless of who you are?"

His eyes widened, "You can...?"

"I can...all you need to do is say yes." I smiled softly.

Just then, a boy flew into the clearing, ruining the moment. He had a checkered green black haori, wearing the demon slayer outfit, had a wooden box behind him and was holding a sword. "Leave him to me." Rui whispered to me and I nodded, leaving the clearing, but I could still observe the fight.

I didn't hear much though...but a demon slayer dude came and Rui slaughtered him. Beautiful. The two fought, until the box flew open and a demon flew out. Long black hair, black haori, pink kimono, bamboo muzzle and pink eyes.

I realised...

...They were the siblings I met,

Kamado Tanjiro and Nezuko.

More words were exchanged and Nezuko was hanging above, wrapped in spider webs and bleeding. I flinched internally.

When Tanjiro began to use Sun Breathing, I panicked, was going to die.

I ran out and blocked him. I hugged Rui tightly as the blade hit me inside and I winced. "Are you alright? Rui?" I asked as I patted him around.

Tanjiro froze as I transmitted mentally to Lumine and Aether. 'Back up, now, tell Rosaria don't hurt, just on defense.'

I got no response. When he tried to strike again, Rosaria jumped out of the tree, in her dark blue cloak, with her frozen cold ice spear and tripped him.

"Run..." she whispered to both of us and glanced at Rui. "He's cute, bet most will faun over him." she remarked quickly and got into a defensive position.

Rui's cheeks were a bit red as I gripped his hand tightly, planning to leave...

...when he arrived.

This day is the best day I've ever had.

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