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TW- Brief mention of drug use/overdose.

The sunlight cascades down across the fresh sheets of our bed, a perfect luminescence to represent my feelings about the past twenty four hours

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The sunlight cascades down across the fresh sheets of our bed, a perfect luminescence to represent my feelings about the past twenty four hours.

I've done the unthinkable - Something I have never ever imagined myself doing; Not only have I just slept with someone else whilst in a relationship, but I've also slept with someone whilst not being in a relationship with them.

Now, normally I would immediately go back into my old ways with coping with stuff as touchy as this, but right now I'm just trying to keep hold of how I felt in the moment.

I felt free.

I felt happy.

I felt respected.

But you, Harry? You surprised me. I don't think I've ever seen you like that - You've always been honest with me about yourself, but I think last night was one of the first times where you have been honest with yourself.

You accepted every part of you last night, placed between your two desires like a little... sex sandwich. You were a true sight to behold last night, like a piece of art that you just can't seem to tear your eyes away from.

Just when I think I know everything there is to know about you, you continue to prove me wrong. There's a story to you, and I think there are pages to still be written.

"Morning, Angel." Niall's morning voice cuts me from my thoughts, and I carefully turn on my side to look at him. Harry's arm wraps around my waist as he pulls himself against me from behind, nuzzling into my back with a sleepy hum.

I smile, my eyes wondering over Niall's features in the rising sun. "Morning, bunny." His eyes playfully narrow at my nickname, a toothy grin appearing.

"Careful." His eyes widen for a split second in warning, before bringing his hand to my arm. He gently brushes his fingertips across my skin.

They're a lot rougher than Harry's, but he still carries the same gentle touch.

"Never." I grin, watching his eyes close briefly as he chuckles with a small shake of his head.

"You really are a little minx, aren't you? No wonder why Harry always carries a spring in his step nowadays." His eyes are bright as he opens them again, briefly watching the shapes he's creating along my arm with his fingertips.

"I might just have to see how you walk later on." I chuckle, but his eyes instantly widen with a shake of his head. "I am so unbelievably sore. The only way I'll be walking out of here is with a fucking limp."

"Why are you both up so early?" Harry groans from behind me, his voice muffled by my skin. His arm tightens around me, before I feel soft kisses against my shoulder.

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