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"I'm sorry " heesung said .

Jay was curious on why is heesung sorry and what made him say that . So Jay just stood there silent, waiting for heesung to talk but he didn't so it was a little awkward but Jay decided to break the ice and ask him why is he sorry .

"What's that ? Why are you sorry ? " doctor Jay asked

"I'm sorry for .... Taking advantage of you" heesung said looking down to shy to look up . This didn't seem like the heesung that Jay knows .

"Oh ... I don't know what to say " Jay replied, he truly didn't know what to say about this , it seems odd .

"Just accept my apology please " heesung said .

"Um...okay no worries " doctor Jay said. No worries ??? What do you mean Jay , he literally kissed you ugh. Jays mind was telling Jay .
"Are you okay?" Jay decided to ask heesung because he saw that heesung seemed.... Scared ? .

"Yes I am ...... I just .... " heesung got up from where he was and approached doctor Jay . This time he wasn't all shy , he got jays apology . Was that an act of his ?

"Tell me doctor Jay !" Heesung spoke in jays face .

"Tell you what ?" Jay snapped back at him .

"Are you like the others or are you dumb and act clueless?!!" Heesung said .

What does he mean by that ?? Jay didn't know what to answer to this because he really is clueless right now , he doesn't know what was happening. Jay didn't said nothing and it made heesung angry .

"Fucking answer me !!" Heesung yelled and it made Jay to startle and close his eyes rapidly.

"Um c-calm down please " Jay said and put his hands onto heesungs shoulders but heesung pushed them away . " don't touch me " heesung said and looked on his left , he didn't want to face doctor Jay .

" you know .... I feel safe with you okay ...." Heesung spoke , looking on the ground . " when I saw you first time I had a feeling that I can still hope . " heesung said and Jay was listening to him .

To much was happening, doctor Jay doesn't know what to process and believe . "Hope about what ? " doctor Jay said .

"That .... I will be free from here" heesung said.

Free? Free about what , Jay was thinking . He just shook his thoughts , probably he is getting manipulated by heesung now , he can't just trust heesung.

"I'm sorry I have to go " Jay said and was about to leave but heesung got angry at him and yelled .

"YOU'RE THE SAME SHIT AS OTHERS RIGHT??" heesung yelled and was screaming , he was going insane and it made Jay panic he didn't know what to do , as heesung was screaming and hitting stuff around the room , Jay was only looking at him , he didn't know what to do,

Two nurses entered inside because of the noises
"ARE YOU OKAY DOCTOR PARK " nurse Jake said and ran to him while the other nurse run to heesung to calm him down .

"I'm fine " Jay said and looked at heesung .

He was crying and yelling saying" DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH .... YES I KILLED THE DOCTOR " Heesung said and he laughed at his sentence but his eyes were red and teary .

The nurse that was beside him injected him a needle to calm him down . As he did , heesung fell down on the nurses hands and all asleep . I guess it was a strong needle because heesung reacted to it fast .

The nurse put heesung on his bed and tied him so he won't do something bad "let's go out of here " the nurse said and they went out .

Jay was in shocked and nurse Jake was with him . "Are you sure you're okay ?" Nurse Jake asked doctor jay "yes I am " Jay said .

"Mind me asking what happened there ? What made heesung act like that ??" Nurse Jake asked Jay calmly , hoping for an answer .

Jay was spacing out , he didn't know what to tell to nurse Jake ? .. he struggled it off and said " I don't know , sorry " he said and said to nurse Jake that he will leave and go to his office for now so he can calm down and nurse Jake agreed to it obviously .

Jay went in his office and sat down on his chair , he closed the door and locked it . He wanted free time and no one to interrupt him .

Ugh heesung what the fuck are you ?? I need shit figured out but I cant . I fucking can't . Should I trust you or not , Jay was thinking and thinking, Talking to himself .

Jay shut up , he is just a patient , and he is mentally unstable so stop being confused and do not believe anything he says . Jay can feel the voices in his head talking over and over making Jay unable to concentrate.

He placed his hands on his head and was massaging it lightly , hoping his thoughts would go away so he can calm down .
He wanted to know a lot of things and wants to figure them all out , the more he wants to try the more new stuff comes his way .

This hospital was really making Jay insane.


-thank you

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