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Here's some information about the Student Library (BDE). It's a large multiplex managed and maintained by the academy's volunteer students. Note that some of these students have been here for years, just like some vampires, since they are immortal.

Divina is part of the library club with Enid. Yoko often goes there without studying and is part of the volunteers. The club has a certain number of volunteers, and most students go there to work or rest from time to time. It's a place recognized by everyone as safe, quiet, and respectful.

Enid quickly climbs the dark steps of the corridor and opens a door, flooding the darkness of the stairs with light. She bows as a sign of respect to allow Wednesday to pass, while the latter moves forward looking bored. Her eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright light. Once her vision returns to normal, she finds herself facing her comrade, who has her arms raised in the air. Addams doesn't pay attention to her friend's behavior and inspects the room without moving.

The floor is light gray carpet. The shelves are all made of the same wood and design, dating back to the Renaissance.

Enid puts her hands behind her back and smiles at the visitor's interest in the place. Divina passes by them, a pile of books in her arms.


She stops in front of a column of books to store the ones cluttering her. Wednesday moves a little then stops. In front of the entrance, a small circular staircase leads up to the left. She cannot see where it leads because a shelf is in front of the steps.

To her right is the beginning of a larger room. Bookshelves line the sides, preventing a complete view of the room. But she distinguishes long tables.

"It's an autonomous club and open to everyone. Students who wish can come and work as much as they want in our large room designated for that purpose."

She points to the large room where a student calls her. She turns to the voice.

"Oh! Sorry, Wen, duty calls."

Her friend watches her advance towards a table where three students are working. Upon her arrival, they smile at her and explain the problem.

Wednesday turns to the rest of the room and moves to the "kookoon'ing" zone.

A large hexagon-shaped window, composed of tiles mixing different colors and black, fascinates her. As she stares at it, it illustrates ancestral creatures from different world folklore. In front of the windows, pillars enclose them, surrounded by cushions and carpets. A student reads a book in one of these small areas.

It's Yoko sitting on a dark blue pouf, reading a magazine. Her posture is relaxed. Her back is well sunk into the pouf. One leg is folded in half on the floor, supporting her other leg.

Divina stops in front of her, looking at her with a stern expression, a pile of books in her arms. Her shadow imprisons her friend. The latter lowers her magazine.


Divina speaks calmly.

-Sit properly; after all, we're in a library.

-Yes, ma'am!

-You've been reading the same page for 20 minutes.

-That's because your presence diverted my attention.

-You won't be exempt from tidying up.

She hands the books to Yoko. The latter stands up and receives them.

-Thank you.


She goes to put away the books. Wednesday begins to leaf through novels. She's in the crime and fantasy category. A person passes by with books and shelves them in the fantasy section.

-Excuse me.


The person turns their face. They're wearing purple pants and a long sweatshirt under the school's purple jacket. The latter is sewn up in places. Their hair is medium length, held back with a short ponytail. A dark purple bandana around their headband keeps two locks at the front of their face. They're wearing glasses.

-Are there any crime novels?


They raise their black glasses. Different books advance on the shelf. Wednesday examines them, moving only her eyes.


They step forward, take one in their hands, and read the summary.

-I don't know this author.

-Fuminori Nakamura is renowned in Japan, but his international career is less successful.

-I'm surprised to discover authors here.

-It's normal; books come from all over the world. Some English translations are exclusively stored here. They are made by former Nevermore students who have become translators or authors.

Faced with the attentive face of her neighbor, the student adds.

-You can borrow up to 10 books. But for more avid readers, the number can vary according to reading speed.

-Where do we record the loans?

-Go up to the BDE student floor, they will register you in the directory.

A familiar voice exclaims:

-Hyruli! Hi!

Hyruli nods, smiling, and heads towards the study

room. A bunch of grimoires float in the air behind her. Enid looks at the book in Addams' hands.

-Oh, you finally found what you were looking for.

-This library has risen in my esteem.

Sinclair smiles.

-I was sure you'd like it. But don't start frequenting this place regularly.

-I'm not making any promises.

Enid looks sad. Wednesday walks past her.

-But there are fewer intruders if I read in our room.

Her neighbor turns around and follows her, her smile once again lifted.

-Why are your compliments always double-edged?

They go upstairs where a huge room is filled with books. The ceiling height is enormous. The parquet floor is covered with more or less large rugs, and the walls are green wallpapered. The ceiling itself is not visible.

They go to the counter where a student adds her to the registry and checks out the book.

Back in the school garden, they go to their respective club activities.

-Have a good day.

-You too!



* "moquette": a fabric with a woven pile of wool.

— — —

Illustration by Mulan_3000

Author's Note:

Don't hesitate to comment if you don't have understand something of the story or whatever. That help me a lot to improved the storyline.

Thanks for reading this chapter, feel free to like (if you like it of course).

Peace ✌️

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