Chamomile tea

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Wednesday enters her dorm room. She places her bag on her desk and takes out some sheets, laying them on Enid's desk. A crumpled duvet covers her roommate's bed.

-Feeling any better?

The lump moves under the covers.


Wednesday changes clothes and starts writing her novel on her typewriter. Enid wakes up and turns towards her. As the blankets rustle, her friend shifts.

-I was hoping to keep sleeping without that sound. Ugh.

Her friend's face is grim. The figure emerges from the bed and jumps onto the sick girl's desk. It grabs a teapot next to a mug, opens the lid of a half-used honey pot, and takes a teaspoon. Wednesday. The latter smiles at her.

-Hey there... Ugh.

She closes her mouth, shutting her eyes. Wednesday crouches down and whispers:

-I'll take care of it.

She hands her the mug. Enid blows gently on it. Taking a knife, she heads out to the hall, avoiding other students. Arriving at Eugene's beekeeping area, she borrows a wicker basket and a net, then disappears into the forest. Following a specific, invisible path, she reaches a cherry orchard. The sky is obscured by tall pines and other century-old trees sheltering these fruit trees...

She stops in front of a cherry tree brimming with fruit. Unrolling the net around the tree, she shakes the generous branches with a long stick. Once the net is full, Wednesday gathers the cherries and returns to the apiary*, removing the pits and placing them in a container filled with water. The flesh and pits separate. She returns to the school, grabs a towel from the kitchen, puts the pits inside, and heats them in the microwave.

After 5 minutes, she rushes back and hands the bag to Enid. She takes it but immediately removes it from her hands.

-It's burning hot!

Wednesday takes back the bag. The figure hands her a black cloth. She wraps it around the cherry pit bag. Enid places it on her lower abdomen. The wolf catches a hint of concern in her eyes.

-It's okay, I've used several before.

- - -

Eugene sits outside talking with Ajax.

-Chamomile. It helps alleviate cramp pains.

-Thanks, man, you're awesome!

-You can drink it regularly. But you also need to apply heat to relax the muscle.


He puts the sachet in his bag.

-It's useful to be in tune with nature.

-It's not related.

-A bit, though. Apart from you, who knew about this 'tea'? He raises his head and tells his friends to be quiet. Our favorite beekeeper underestimates himself again. Which of you knew about chamomile?

-Chamowhat? Bianca squints.


Bianca turns to Wednesday.

-It helps ease menstrual cramps.

-Oh, I only knew about yarrow.

Yoko adds:

-It's useful for falling asleep too.

Ajax turns to Eugene:

-Thank goodness you're here. Without you, I'd have had terrible nights.

-It's nothing, one has to be helpful when needed. And the bees did most of the work.

Ajax's gaze is wary:

-There's no honey in those seeds...

-No, of course not, haha! Can you imagine? Eugene chuckles. They guided me to the flowers.

-... oh! Like a swarm of bees showed you the way."


The gorgon's eyes light up with admiration.

The bell signals the resumption of classes.



*apiary: A group of beehives.

*abrupt: sudden, very direct.

— — —

Illustration by Mulan_3000

Author's Note:

Sorry for the abrupt ending. I didn't know how to finish it...

Don't hesitate to comment if you don't have understand something of the story or whatever. That help me a lot to improved the storyline.

Thanks for reading this chapter, feel free to like (if you like it of course).

Peace ✌️

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