FA 03 - Dinner

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The dining room is large, furnished with fixtures dating back to the Middle Ages. A table is at the center of the room, decorated from floor to ceiling with objects, each more peculiar than the other. There are eight Renaissance-style chairs around the table, three on each long side and one at each end. Cutlery and food are placed on the table. These are cold dishes of salads and dried meats.

Pugsley arrives running and jumps into his chair. He reaches out for a container, but his mother taps his fingers.


Morticia looks at him, eyebrows furrowed, and moves to the other side of the table. Wednesday sits opposite Pugsley, who looks at his empty plate. Enid remains standing. The hostess moves towards her:

-Sit next to Wednesday.

Her interlocutor smiles anxiously, her friend shifts her chair. Once seated, Wednesday places her hand on her trembling friend's hand. Morticia leans towards her level.

-Do you want something to drink?

-Water, thank you.

She smiles, embarrassed. Morticia walks to the kitchen. Enid turns to Wednesday, who has a slight smile that fades when they make eye contact. Her friend smiles tensely at her.

-Do you often scream?

The two young women turn to Pugsley:

-I don't scream often, but I tend to bite people if they annoy me too much.

A sinister smile spreads across Wednesday's face, who looks at Pugsley, surprised by the threat to be quiet. Enid's hand stops squeezing her friend's hand. Both arms in front of her, the werewolf hastens to add:

-Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you so much.

-Don't worry...

Enid's fur stands up. She senses a presence behind her.

-Pugsley, stop questioning her.

Gomez appears behind the guest. He gently places his hands on her shoulders.


He stands beside her, takes one of the guest's hands, and kisses it. Enid smiles, embarrassed. He straightens up and sits at the head of the table. Morticia arrives with a bottle. She serves Enid and then sits near Pugsley, to the right of her husband.

-Let's start the meal, shall we!

Gomez pulls on a hanging rope. A powerful gong shakes the house.

Lurch enters with plates on his forearms. He adds food plates to the center of the table. The Addams help themselves from the dishes. Enid takes a piece of meat.

-Tell me, Enid...


-Do you do your makeup yourself?

-Well... most of the time, yes.

-Oh! You should do makeup for the 'Dia de los Muertos' mannequins.

Morticia nods in approval*.

-Oh, uh... Thank you.

Enid admires the decorations; the gaze of a raven crosses her curiosity.

Is it alive?

Morticia turns to the bird.

-Oh, he often perches in apnea, but believe me, he's quite vigorous.

She takes a piece of meat from a dish in front of her and holds it in the air. The common raven flies, perches on her shoulder, and gobbles up the piece.

Enid and the raven look at each other. She frowns and whispers to Wednesday.

-This bird wants to steal my food.

-Why is that? His plate is served.

She points to a plate filled with heaps of meat placed on the floor. Morticia wipes her mouth and then questions the guest.

-Can you talk to ravens?


Gomez removes his cigar from his mouth and then points his finger at his daughter.

-Oh! That reminds me of Wednesday spending her time at the hanging tree.

He chuckles.

-She was trying to communicate with Huginn and Muninn*, to no avail.

Gomez chuckles on his chair. Morticia on his right smiles. Wednesday says nothing, looks at her knife. Enid shakes her hand, her gesture not noticed by the others as their hands are under the tablecloth.

-Enid, you should meet Huginn and Muninn.

Oh! Uhh...

-Pugsley, why don't you tell her about Gorgo*?

-She was so nice.

He looks at Enid, who furrows her brows.

-She was a gorilla always ready to help.

-I hope she's having some exciting adventure. Oscar has gained so much fame because of her.

-We should go see them.

They have their meals. Wednesday watches Enid eat her meat. Their gazes meet. They smile at each other.


*Approval = the act of approving or acceptance

*Huginn and Muninn = (Thought and Memory): These are the two ravens associated with the Norse god Odin. They travel the world and bring information to Odin.

*Gorgo = Pugsley's domesticated gorilla in an episode from Season 1 of "The Addams Family" from 1964 aired on the American ABC channel.


Illustration by Mulan_3000

Author's Note: 

This part is rather short. I wanted to emphasize the anxiety that Enid feels. Because in seeing excerpts from Emma MYERS' (actress Enid Sinclair) interviews, I noticed that she is always anxious and distressed.

Feel free to comment if something isn't clear. It helps me improve the story.

Thank you for reading this chapter, don't hesitate to like.

Peace ✌️

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