Chapter 1: Here Goes Nothing

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"Let's party!"

That was the last thing Dean heard before he left the dorm.

He had been in a boarding school for the past few weeks along with his best friends Braedyn, Marcus and Riley. Dean was around 170 centimeters tall, slightly scrawny, brown-haired, blue-eyed, skinny and looked friendly (which he was and still is). Braedyn was unnoticeably shorter (169 centimeters, if you will), a little more average looking and had curly hair rather than Dean's messy-ass left hair (if you know, you know). Marcus was 175 centimeters tall, had black hair that was shorter than the time it takes to piss off Braedyn and looked like a bit of a jock (which he wasn't and still isn't). Riley had plain, wavy brown hair, a height of 168 centimeters, brown eyes and a small amount of dead skin on his neck.

His dorm was the messiest place ever and he fricking loved it for all the wrong reasons. He would always blast music while his friends nearly blew each other up every millisecond. Not even joking.

The four friends, Dean, Braedyn, Marcus, and Riley, exited their dorm, ready for a night of revelry at the party they had heard so much about. The air was charged with the excitement of teenage adventure as they strolled towards the party venue.

Braedyn, the loud one, wasted no time breaking the silence. "Bloody hell, it's about time we got outta that shithole. I swear, if I spend one more minute in there, I'll lose my mind."

Riley, with his broken sense of humor, chimed in, "Well, at least then you'd have an excuse for being even crazier than usual."

Marcus, always with a dirty mind, couldn't resist. "Crazier in the head, or crazier in the bed? You know, like they say, the dirtier the mind, the better the party."

Dean, the nice and smart one, rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed. "Come on, guys, can we focus on the party and not descend into the House of Asmodeus within the first five minutes?"

Braedyn laughed. "Mate, if you wanted to avoid the Lust Ring, you shouldn't have invited us. But don't worry, we'll keep it PG... maybe R18+."

As they approached the party venue, a group of bystanders began making comments about the four friends. "Hey, are they gay or straight? Or maybe both? Who cares?"

Dean, always open to the banter, grinned and replied, "Why not both? Life's too short for labels, mate."

Marcus, ever the cheeky one, winked at the onlookers. "Just remember, we're not here to fit in. We're here to stand out – in every possible way."

The banter continued as they entered the party, the friends ready for a night of laughter, fun, and whatever other shenanigans the evening might bring.

As Dean stepped into the vibrant chaos of the party, he quickly realized he was standing alone. Braedyn, Marcus, and Riley had seemingly vanished into the crowd, leaving Dean to navigate the social landscape by himself. He took a deep breath and scanned the room, looking for a familiar face or a hint of his friends' whereabouts.

Amidst the pulsating music and lively chatter, Dean's eyes locked onto a girl with yellow hair and striking blue eyes. She stood near the refreshment table, sipping on a soda and observing the party with a gentle smile. Gathering his courage, Dean approached her, a friendly smile on his face.

"Hey there, I'm Dean," he said, extending a hand.

The girl reciprocated, her handshake firm but warm. "Hi, I'm Noelle. Nice to meet you, Dean."

They engaged in a casual conversation, finding common ground in their appreciation for less chaotic settings and genuine connections. As they chatted, Dean couldn't help but feel a sense of ease around Noelle. Her kind demeanor resonated with his own niceness, creating a comfortable atmosphere.

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