Chapter 7: Old Friends

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As the summer holidays drew to a close, anticipation filled the air as the friends prepared to return to the familiar routines of school life. The school, once again buzzing with the energy of students, welcomed back its occupants for a new academic year.

Upon their return, Dean, Braedyn, Marcus, Riley, and Noelle found themselves amid a familiar crowd of faces. Among the students roaming the corridors were Hayden Jermyn (orange hair, blue eyes, grew to 6'1" in the last summer), Henry Hurst (long and messy brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6"), Nash Haines (short black hair, brown eyes, 5'7"), Kai Dorian (short brown hair, greenish eyes, 5'7"), Ashley Francey (long brown hair, blue eyes, 5'8"), and Bentley Green (orange hair, green eyes, 5'6")—old friends from their past.

Excitement rippled through the group as the friends reunited with their familiar faces. Hayden, a vibrant personality with a penchant for mischief, greeted Dean with a playful grin. "Dean-o! Ready for another year of chaos?"

Dean chuckled, slapping Hayden on the back. "Absolutely, mate. Wouldn't have it any other way."

Braedyn, recognizing Nash, who had a reputation for being the daredevil of the group, raised an eyebrow. "Nash, still trying to break every rule in the book?"

Nash flashed a mischievous grin. "Rules are made to be broken, mate. You should try it sometime."

Meanwhile, Marcus exchanged friendly banter with Kai, the easygoing and laid-back member of their old circle. "Kai, you haven't changed a bit. Still the king of chill."

Kai shrugged nonchalantly. "Why mess with perfection?"

Riley, with his distinctive sense of humor, greeted Ashley and Bentley. "So, you two still managing to keep up with these troublemakers?"

Ashley laughed. "We do our best, Riley. It's like herding cats sometimes."

Bentley nodded in agreement. "True. But hey, it keeps life interesting."

As the friends chatted and caught up, Noelle found herself standing next to Henry Hurst. Dean, noticing their interaction, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Hey, Henry, how do you and Noelle know each other?"

Henry, looking slightly perplexed, scratched his head. "Honestly, Dean, I have no idea. But, yeah, we know each other, so I guess it makes sense!"

Noelle chuckled at Henry's candid response. "We must have crossed paths at some point. Small world, right?"

The school, now alive with the laughter and camaraderie of old and new friends, became a vibrant canvas where the past and present intertwined. The mysteries of the Shadow Syndicate, the emergence of supernatural abilities, and the adventures of the previous year took a backseat momentarily as the friends embraced the familiar warmth of their shared history.

And so, with the echoes of laughter and the anticipation of new experiences, the friends embarked on another school year, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The friendships that had stood the test of time and the bonds forged amidst the extraordinary circumstances of their lives became the foundation for the adventures yet to unfold.

As the school year kicked off, the friends found themselves sharing a dorm once again. Dean, Kai, Henry, and Hayden were back together, along with Dean's bandmates Jason, Max, and Andrew. The familiar banter and laughter echoed within the walls as they settled into the routine of dorm life.

Dean, with a playful smirk, gestured around the room. "Welcome to the epicenter of chaos, my friends. These walls have seen some crazy stuff."

Hayden raised an eyebrow. "Crazy stuff? You mean like that time you walked in on Jason and Andrew?"

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