Chapter 2: Bandmates

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The next day dawned, and the events of the previous day seemed like a distant, surreal memory. The courtyard had returned to its usual state, devoid of the snow that had accompanied the unusual confrontations. As the friends navigated through the aftermath of the chaotic encounters, little did they know that another unseen force was at play.

In the shadows, a mysterious figure had taken offense to Braedyn's chaos-inducing abilities. Unbeknownst to the friends, this unknown antagonist had hired a hitman to eliminate the source of the chaos.

Meanwhile, in the dormitory, Dean and his bandmates – Jason Borne (spiky black hair, red eyes, slightly taller than Dean, looks like an anime character), Max Gillespie (orange hair, hazel eyes, taller than Hayden Jermyn (who is 179cm tall)), and Andrew Thompson (black, wavy black hair, black eyes, Dean's height) – gathered to practice for their upcoming song. Their musical endeavors provided a welcome distraction from the recent events, allowing them to channel their energy into something positive.

Jason, the humble guy and the band's guitarist, strummed his instrument with precision. "Let's focus on the rhythm for this one, guys. We need it tight."

Max, the seemingly oblivious but enthusiastic drummer, nodded enthusiastically. "Tight rhythm, got it! Like a drumbeat for an alien dance party!"

Andrew, the bassist, chuckled. "Max, you never fail to amuse. But seriously, let's nail this. Dean's lyrics deserve the spotlight."

Dean, with his electric guitar in hand, prepared to lead the vocals. "Alright, let's make this one unforgettable."

As they delved into their practice session, the hitman lurked in the shadows, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. The tension in the air was palpable, even though the friends were blissfully unaware of the danger that loomed.

In another part of the dormitory, Braedyn went about his day, oblivious to the sinister plot against him. Unintentionally, his chaos energy continued to wreak havoc, creating amusing and bewildering scenarios for those around him. Little did he know that someone had taken offense to his abilities, and a deadly threat was closing in.

As the friends immersed themselves in their music, the hitman made his move, stealthily approaching Braedyn with lethal intent. However, chaos had a way of taking unexpected turns. In a twist of fate, Braedyn, without even realizing the danger, executed a chaotic maneuver that inadvertently led to the hitman's neck being broken.

The hitman collapsed, his mission thwarted by the very chaos he had sought to eliminate. Behind the scenes, the mysterious figure who had hired the assassin seethed with frustration, realizing that dealing with Braedyn would be no easy feat.

After a satisfying three-hour practice session, Dean and his bandmates gathered in the dormitory common area, their instruments temporarily silenced. The room was filled with the lingering echoes of their music, and a sense of accomplishment hung in the air.

Max, wiping sweat from his forehead, exclaimed, "That was killer, guys! We're gonna crush it at the next gig."

Jason, the humble guitarist, smiled. "Agreed. We just need to keep refining and polishing. It's all coming together."

Andrew, the bassist, chimed in, "Speaking of coming together, remember that time at the Battle of the Bands when we barely made it to the stage on time? Dean, you were practically sprinting with your guitar."

Dean chuckled, reminiscing about the chaotic moment. "Yeah, that was a close call. I thought we were gonna miss our slot, but we made it, and the crowd loved it."

The friends began sharing stories, each memory bringing laughter and a sense of camaraderie. As they delved into the past, the topic shifted towards their personal lives, and a fun fact emerged.

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