The Present

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December 31st, 196X. London, United Kingdom.

After I successfully escaped, of course the police were still on the lookout for me, on account of me being "a danger to society". That brings me back to... this predicament.

"[Y/N] River! We won't tell you again, surrender yourself to the police!" As easily as I could talk them to sleep, I'd rather not spare the effort. I run instead, my fleet footsteps being guided by sparkling arrows only I can see.

More shouts come from behind me, but they're the least of my concern. I stealthily roll behind a few storage crates near the docks, and the angry yells of police get quieter and quieter. Finally, it disappears entirely.

I get up, panting from all the running I did. I notice a radio on top of the crates, and I tune it to a specific frequency. I excitedly wait in anticipation.

"It's twelve at noon and the rocking APPLe is welcoming its most unwelcome visitors... I'll hold of you a public hearing! You stalkers, stalking me "the Pirate" for days."

"Get ready to be shocked away by the rock n' rolling coasters night and day! Now, listen to Radio APPLe, come with me! Let's count down to ecstasy!"

Yes! It's Regulus!

Regulus, how to begin? Most definitely eccentric, but absolutely lovable in her own right. Both a pirate and a radio host, her undeniable love for rock has drawn in many fans, including yourself.

You silently repeat the countdown along with her.

"Three!" Three...

"Two!" Two...

"One!" One!

"Say your names, you British government stooges! Say your names, you Manus Vindictae robbers! You banned music? You robbed traders?"

"Our lips are sealed and we wandered, but nothing gonna change our love for freedom ever!"

I almost cheer when the sound of crashing comes from the background. Did the Manus finally catch up to her?

"What's wrong?! What happened?" Regulus sounds distressed. "There is a huge black ship behind us. We're under attack!" Mr. APPLe, her coworker exclaims. Funny how he has the same name as her ship.

"Bloody hell! Turn off the microphone!" And with that, the broadcast is over. Silence ensues for a bit. I blink. "This won't end well..." My soft voice carries a great heap of concern. Then I remember. I'm near the docks. I could probably spot Regulus's ship!

"Where's the pirate?" I whisper to my psyche. A sparkly pink arrow appears in my vision, pointing me over to the APPLe landing safely near a large set of stairs.

"Thank goodness..." Perhaps I should go help her? I played around with the thought in my head for a while, before I decide to get closer and observe from a distance. It seems that Regulus and two members of the Foundation (you can tell by their white, gold, and black outfits) are busy fighting off some rioters that followed them onto land.

I sneak closer, but suddenly...

"Ascolta. Capire. Pregare. Perdonare."

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