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Whilst I'm packing Regulus's stuff (mostly records upon records), I sneak a glance at her every now and then. I still haven't asked her to be my friend yet, and the fact that I haven't is slowly killing me. Finally, I calmly set down a couple records and gather the courage to speak.

"Uh. Regulus?" She rises from where she was bending down to pack (you guessed it, more records) and stares at me in confusion. "Yeah?" I open my mouth to speak, but I suddenly realize something. Short-time interaction, small-talk, and snarky comments with humans are easy. Long-term is hard.

Very hard.

I end up pausing for a few seconds before taking a deep breath, causing Regulus to look at me quizzically. At first, my voice is comparable to squeak, "You wanna be friends?" Regulus tilts her head. "You might have to be louder than that mate. Your voice is as quiet as a mouse!" I sigh, mentally reminding myself to raise the volume. "I said... do you want to be friends?" She smirks. "A littleeeeeeeeee louder for me?" Heat rises in my cheeks. Clearly she must enjoy torturing me. "I...said..." I take a deep gulp of air;


I clamp my hands over my mouth, looking around the room to see if anybody else caught my outburst. They did. They most definitely did, and they are now staring at me. Gosh darnit [Y/N]. Why can't you interact with human beings normally? It's so simple, you literally just say a couple words-

I'm broken out of my self-deprecating thoughts when Regulus laughs. And I don't mean awkward fake laughing. Like actual, close to wheezing laughter. I slowly blink. "Is there... something funny?" Regulus wipes a tear from her face.

"Uh.. yeah! [Y/N], we were already friends the moment we got into this mess together. Plus the fact that you've been guarding me like a hound dog the whole time." She adjusts her shades, which almost fell off her face. "So what if you're a tad bit strange? I think you're pretty cool for an ex-asylum patient."

I pout at that last statement, but I giggle nonetheless. Finally, my first actual friend in years. We occupy the rest of the time packing with small-talk, mostly about our experiences from our vastly different backgrounds. Huh.

Friendship doesn't feel so bad.



After my moment with Regulus, I walk over to a leather chair in the corner of the lobby for a break. I close my eyes to get finally get some shut-eye, and process the last few hours. Unfortunately I am interrupted. "Sorry to interrupt [Y/N]..."

I groggily open my eyes again, slight annoyance laced within my patient smile. In front of me stands Sonetto, a bit of a nervous mess. "Oh no no... it's nothing." My voice has a sarcastic hint to it that makes Sonetto sweat a little. "What is it Sonetto? I highly doubt you're the kind to do things without a purpose."

She chuckles a little. "Well... yes. You see, I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't any... 'bad blood' between us, so to speak." Part of my lip quirks before I say, "Well... of course there isn't. I understand you're just doing your job." She breathes a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear, but wait..." she fidgets with a strand of her hair before formulating her question, "why are you so... snarky sometimes?"

I can't help but giggle, making her already confused confusion turn into bewildered-ness. Truth be told it's because humor is one of my favorite methods of coping, but...

"I don't know. Maybe it's something the doctors didn't catch when they were diagnosing me. Maybe it's dangerous." I lean closer to her with a playful glint in my eye, making her take a step back. "Ah... I see." She remarks and puts a finger to her chin as if she took that seriously. Wait, did she? "I wasn't being serious, by the way." I say just for good measure. I don't know if her laughing is caused by her understanding the joke, or her being relieved I'm not actually insane. I decide to switch the topic of conversation.

"Now I have a question for you, why didn't you do this with Regulus?" She pauses. "Ah! Well... I just thought she'd be harder to get through than you. After all, it seems the only thing keeping her on our side is Dr. Papper..." Her small, sad face makes me feel equally as sad.

I get up and pat her on the shoulder. "Hey, she might not be as difficult to win over as you think," I pause, "if the Foundation mostly opts for freedom when it comes to their arcanists." She tenses at the word "freedom". I want to question her about it some more, but she simply gives me a cordial goodbye and walks off.

Man, it isn't gonna be easy to be her friend, is it?


word count: 844

A/N: just establishing where things are, didn't do vertin and mr. APPLe cause they talking but I might do it in a future chapter idk

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