01|Gilded Prison|

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I woke up in a luxurious room, which seemed to be the jail for my dream. I found myself restricted from using my cell phone, making friends, or even stepping outside.

The opulent surroundings felt more like a gilded cage. Deciding to start my day, I headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

The warm water embraced me, washing away the remnants of sleep. Afterward, I strolled to the closet, carefully selecting a dress for the day. The fabric felt exquisite against my skin as I adorned myself.

With my attire chosen, I moved to the vanity. I took a moment to appreciate the intricate details of the room reflected in the mirror.

I meticulously corrected my hair, ensuring each strand fell perfectly into place. The room, though luxurious, seemed to hold secrets, and the restrictions imposed on my dream world only heightened the intrigue.

Today, I decided to broach the subject of going to university with my stepmother. As I walked into the kitchen, I carried out my tasks of preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner in my mansion.

The maids, who were there, greeted me as I smiled at them and greeted them as I went to prepare the breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, I left the kitchen and encountered my stepmother and sister in the main hall, where they were sitting with grace.

Summoning the courage to speak, I approached her and said, "Mother, I want to talk to you." She responded with a curt nod, indicating I should proceed. "I want to become a fashion designer."

Her stern gaze bore down on me, a silent affirmation of the unyielding control she exerted. "You think you can defy our rules, Lisa? You'll clean the whole mansion, as this is your punishment. This punishment is a reminder for you," she declared, the authority in her voice crushing any hope that lingered.

I spoke slowly, desperately trying to convey my aspirations. "Mother, I want to study. I want to go to university. Please allow me. I want to become something of which you'll be proud."

As I embarked on the daunting task of cleaning the expansive mansion, each stroke of the broom seemed to carry the weight of my crushed dreams. I felt like I should run away from this trap, but I am helpless.

The once majestic mansion now resonated with the echoes of my solitary struggle. With determination, I pleaded with my stepmother, "Please, Mother, allow me. I'll talk to Dad about this, and I'm willing to work as well."

My stepsister, an unwavering enforcer of our family's strict rules, circled me like a hawk. "You're fortunate we took you in. Don't forget your place. Ambitions are a dangerous indulgence," she sneered, her words cutting deeper than the physical pain of her slap. I don't know why my stepmother hates me.

As she departed, Aunt Lena, also a maid but a comforting presence in my life, approached. "Lisa, baby, I know it's tough, but I'm with you. Just wait; God will see everything and one day, your life will change. A prince charming will come to rescue you from these evil people," she assured me.

Despite the pain, I smiled and replied, "I don't need a prince charming. I'll fight for my education, Auntie. I can fight for myself and my rights."

She smiled back, saying, "Your mother was always a sweet lady, and you're just like her. Never give up on your dreams."

Nodding, I hesitated, aware of my stepmother's looming presence. Aunt Lena, noticing my fear, insisted, "You need to eat something first, my dear, then we'll tackle this together."

I resisted, expressing my concern about my stepmother. "I'll handle it, Auntie. Don't worry about me," I assured her.

She countered, "How could I not worry about you, princess? You must listen to me; I'm older. Let's have a meal before we face this work. It's astonishing how heartless she can be."

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