16|Erotic Birthday|

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As I lay in bed, thoughts of my tumultuous relationship with Taehyung consumed my mind. Why did he always have the power to weaken me, to stir up such intense emotions with his mere presence?

Suddenly, the sound of the door unlocking shattered the silence, and Taehyung entered the room. Instantly, my breath caught in my throat, and my heart raced in my chest. Fear gripped me like a vice, paralyzing me as I lay there, unable to move or speak.

What was he doing here at this hour? The question echoed in my mind, fueling my anxiety as I braced myself for whatever unsettling confrontation or manipulation might await me.

Closing my eyes tightly, I feigned sleep, hoping against hope that he would believe my ruse and leave me be. But my heart thundered in my ears as I felt the weight of his presence on the bed beside me, his touch gentle against my skin as he traced the contours of my face with feather-light fingertips.

His words whispered into the stillness of the night, sending a shiver of apprehension down my spine. "You are so innocent," he murmured, his voice a velvet caress against my ear. "And for the world, I can't let you go away from me, Lisa. Never."

The intensity of his words hung heavy in the air, wrapping around me like a suffocating cloak. "No one can have you except me. If I can't have you, then no one could have you in this world, Lisa," he declared, his voice laced with possessiveness and a hint of desperation. "I just want to protect you. I know you always think wrong, but soon you will understand what I am doing, and that day you will be mine, my love."

His declaration echoed in my mind, the weight of his possessiveness sending a shiver down my spine. "My love." The words reverberated within me, stirring a complex mixture of fear and attraction. Despite the instinctive urge to recoil from his possessive grip, a part of me couldn't help but be drawn to the raw intensity of his declaration.

In that moment, I found myself torn between the allure of his unwavering devotion and the unsettling realization of the boundaries he sought to impose upon me. As I grappled with the conflicting emotions swirling within me, one thing became painfully clear: the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, and the choices I made would shape the course of my destiny.

But I knew better than to trust the seductive allure of his words and to succumb to the dangerous pull of desire that threatened to ensnare me in its grasp.

Keeping my breathing steady, I remained still, my heart racing as I waited for him to leave, praying silently that he would not discover the truth behind my facade.

At that moment, with Taehyung's whispered words hanging in the air like a silent promise, I knew that the path ahead was fraught with peril and that my fate rested precariously in his hands.

As Taehyung raised his face to look at me, I kept my eyes shut tightly, feigning sleep in a desperate attempt to shield myself from the turmoil raging within me. I needed to know the truth, to understand what lay behind his facade of coldness and indifference, even if it meant risking my own heart in the process.

His words pierced through the silence like a dagger, each syllable heavy with a weight I could scarcely bear. "Just to prove myself heartless," he murmured, his voice laced with self-loathing, "I'm hurting this pure and innocent soul. I know she doesn't deserve this, but I have nothing to give her except pain."

The admission sent a sharp pang of sorrow coursing through me, a bitter reminder of the cruel reality of our situation. Despite the tenderness I had glimpsed beneath his hardened exterior, I knew that his demons ran deep, tearing at the fragile threads of our connection with every passing moment.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 |Taelisa|✓Where stories live. Discover now