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Once she was asleep, I gazed at her tenderly, realizing she was soon to become the mother of my child. With purpose, I knew it was time to rebuild my life with her, embracing happiness and love once more.

Quietly, I draped a blanket over her form and nestled a pillow beside her before slipping out of the room. This was my chance to set things right.

As I exited the mansion, a guard approached, bowing respectfully as I issued instructions. "Maintain heightened security, and ensure the maid stays with Lisa," I commanded. "I'm off for some urgent business."

As his gaze met mine, I could sense the weight of understanding in his eyes. "Sure, sir. I'll prepare your car," he said with a tone tinged with deference. However, my resolve was firm.

"No, I'd prefer to go alone," I stated firmly, my voice echoing with purpose. With a subtle nod, he acquiesced, silently stepping aside to grant me passage.

Stepping into the grandeur of the mansion's garage, every detail seemed to shimmer with opulence. The faint scent of polished leather mingled with the subtle hum of anticipation.

My fingers found their way to the car locker, the repository of keys safeguarded by an impenetrable code known only to me and one other guard.

Unlocking the compartment, I retrieved the keys to my BMW, feeling the weight of responsibility settle in my palm.

With a steady hand, I slid into the plush leather seat of my BMW as the engine roared to life with a powerful hum.

Navigating through the winding pathways of the mansion's garage, I emerged into the cool night air, the darkness offering a cloak of anonymity as I embarked on my mission.

With precision and focus, I maneuvered the sleek vehicle out onto the open road, each turns a step closer to my destination.

As the imposing structure of the police station loomed into view, I pulled into the parking lot with a sense of purpose.

Stepping out of the BMW, I straightened my posture, ready to face whatever awaited me inside.

Entering the bustling precinct, I was met with nods of recognition and murmurs of respect from the officers on duty.

Among them stood Kahan, the DSP, his gaze locking onto mine with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Sir, you're here? What's happened?" He inquired, his voice laced with a hint of urgency. Gathering my thoughts, I met his gaze with steely resolve.

"There's something I need to report," I replied evenly, the weight of my words hanging in the air. With a sense of purpose.

As Kahan approached me, his concern palpable, he wasted no time in questioning the reason for my unexpected presence.

"Sir, what happened now?" He inquired, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. Meeting his gaze with a determined stare, I knew it was time to confront the truth.

"Tie my mother's hands. I need to speak with her alone. There are matters I must address with her," I instructed, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air.

Without hesitation, Kahan nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. With a sense of purpose, he motioned for his officers to carry out my directive, preparing for the delicate task ahead.

As the realization of what lay before me settled in, I steeled myself for the difficult conversation that awaited, knowing that only by facing the past head-on could I hope to find the closure I so desperately sought.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 |Taelisa|✓Where stories live. Discover now