Ep: 2pt.2

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"Whats the plan?", Zoro asks,"You do have a plan, right? That's your thing, plans." Zoro continues. "I say we beat the hell out of every clown we see." Nami says confidently and walks away, grabbing Sujin's hand, Zoro following after them. "You want out? You know the price you have to pay." Cube taunts, Luffy points on the glass while looking away, Cube looks to where he is pointing and sees the crew.

Sujin shoots the glass with her gun, a huge crack appears but doesn't break just yet. Nami takes out Cube, Buggy shows up looking around at them. "Where are my freaks?" He asked. "They're not coming." Zoro states. The glass tank that Luffy is traped in breaks, the water inside gushing out while Luffy slides across the floor.

Luffy starts coughing and then he coughed out the map to The Grand Line. "My map." Buggy says. "My hat" Luffy says. Buggy picks up the map and laughs. Zoro, Nami, and Sujin slowly stand in front of Buggy, ready to fight for the map.

"You want a piece of me? Let's see what you got.. although, I know what you got, doll." Buggy said smirking at Sujin, Zoro gets irritated and swings his sword, cutting Buggy's head, only for it to hang up in the air and go right back to his body.

Zoro slices his stomach and arms, but Buggy doesn't die, causing him to laugh. "Surprise, shithead!" Buggy yells at Zoro, laughing. Buggy takes apart his body, flying them around the crew and attacking them.

His body parts surround the three, who are huddled together back to back. "How do I slice a guy who's already in pieces?" Zoro asked. "This is not part of the plan." Nami said.

Sujin was about to say something but stopped herself and started shooting Buggy's body parts. The other two joining in and trying to fight the body parts.

Nami and Zoro get hit, but one of the body parts pushes Zoro towards the, still standing broken glass tank.

Nami gets kicked by Buggy's foot, falling out of the stage, and the glass tank breaks when Zoro falls onto it. Sujin is watching what happens in horror, surprisingly not getting hurt or attacked by Buggy.

Buggy puts himself back together again. "Ah. Would you look at that? Someone escaped my tank of doom.", Buggy said pointing his finger at Luffy, moving it in a circular motion while talking," Well, I'll be back to finish you off. Right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew, and taking my girl." Buggy threats.

"You can dump sea water on me, and I'll let it slide.", Luffy puts on his straw hat," But don't you ever threaten my friends." Luffy stretched his arm back and punched Buggy.

"Do you want to die first?" Buggy asked menacingly taking apart his body again. "Cop-chop cannon!" He yells attacking Luffy. "Sujin! The crates!" Luffy managed to yell out while being chocked. Luffy throws body parts to Sujin, her holding open the crates and quickly shutting them closed when they're in.

Zoro and Nami start helping while Luffy is catching and throwing them in their direction. Buggy watches in horror. "Damn it!" He yells as all his body is being locked up and only his head is left. Luffy picks up his torn straw hat off of the floor.

"What have you done to me?" Buggy asked, his head falling on the floor. "Cut you down to size." Luffy smiles and them launches Buggy away, far from them.

Luffy picks up the map and give it to Nami. "You're giving this to me?" She asked shocked. "You're the navigator." Luffy said. "Let's get out of this clown town" Zoro says grabbing Sujin's hand and starts walking away with her. She stops him.

"There is still one more thing we need to do." She stated looking at Luffy. Together, they free the prisoners. "Are you our new captors?" One of them asks. "What?" Luffy asked confused. "Well, you're a pirate, aren't you?" The man asked.

"I'm a different kind of pirate." Luffy stated, Nami looks at hm for a moment. Sujin frees the children from the chains and helps them find their parents.

"We don't have much, but please, take this as a token of our... of our gratitude." The man from earlier said holding a box of food. "You need it more than we do." Luffy said.

The four of them walked on to the dock and were making their way to the boat. When Luffy turned back a took some food from the man, "well... maybe just a snack."

And with that they set sail, the town people they rescued waved and smiled saying bye.

On the boat, Sujin was sewing Luffy's hat, it being torn due to the fight. "Almost finished." She reassured Luffy, but he was too busy admiring her beauty. When she was done she gave it to him with a small smile. "You fixed it. Thanks." Luffy said smiling. He hugged Sujin tight and inhaled her sweet scent. "Is everyday gonna be this crazy with you?" Zoro asked. Lufy put on his hat and turned around to look at Zoro with a smile. Luffy got up and sat closer to him. "Shanks always said... that if the path to what you want seems too easy... then you're on the wrong path" Luffy quoted. Zoro looked up at him. "That Shanks guy sounds all right." He stated. Luffy got up and went to the other side of the boat, looking forward. "Next stop: The Grand Line!" He yells....

Unknown to the three, a certain orange haired girl made a call about the map......

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