Ep: 3 pt1/5

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Nami was looking at the map, noticing something she has never seen before. "Hey, Nami! Nami!" Luffy tried getting her attention.

"What?" She asked irritated. Luffy smiles and held up a flag he made. "It's ready!" He said. "And what is it?" Nami asked.

" It's our Jolly Roger, every pirate crew has to have one. And now we do!" Luffy explained. "We're not a crew, and you're not hanging that on my boat" Nami stated annoyed.

Zoro had just stepped out. "Zoro! Zoro, check it out." Luffy said rushing over to him. "That's unique." Zoro said trying to not hurt Luffy's feelings.

Sujin also stepped out as well. "Hey beautiful! You like our Jolly Roger? I made it myself." Luffy stated proudly. "I love it! It's so cool." Sujin smiles warmly at Luffy before making her way to Zoro, who wraps his arm around her waist.

"Nami, I think the toilets busted." Zoro said. "We don't have a toilet" She said looking at him annoyed. "Oh. Well, then something back there is leaking" Zoro explained like it was no big deal. "What?" Nami got down from where she was and went inside.

"We're taking in water, what did you do?" Nami asked. "I didn't do anything." Zoro defended himself. "The way you're clanging those swords around, you must have broken something." Nami says looking at Zoro angry. "Maybe you should've stolen a better boat." Zoro said now looking at Nami. "Guys. Guys. Guys. Okay, crew meeting." Luffy said.

"Not a crew" Nami and Zoro said in unison. "We're gonna need a bigger ship to make it to The Grand Line.", Luffy explained looking at the three of them, "A real pirate ship. Worthy of the Straw Hats crew." Luffy smiles. "Wait. Straw Hats crew? Really?" Nami asked not liking the name.

"Yeah, I thought it had a nice ring to it" Luffy explained with a huge smile. "Demon has a nice ring to it. Headgear? Not scary." Zoro complained. "Who says pirates have to be scary? And Sujin was the one who told me to name our crew the Straw Hats." Luffy explained looking at Sujin with a smile, making her blush and look down.

Zoro and Nami look at Sujin and go quiet, feeling bad, thinking they hurt her feelings. "The point is we need a new ship. So where do we get one?" Luffy asked looking at Nami.

"Our closest bet is The Gecko Islands. We can probably make it there before our ship sinks." Nami explained. Sujin went inside, Zoro following her.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He said grabbing her hand, she looks at him confused. "For what?" She asked. "Making fun of the crew name, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Sujin laughs."You didn't, it's okay."

Zoro smiled and pulls her in for a hug. Sujin pulls away and gets her bag, that contains all of her clothes and belongings.

"What do you need that for?" Zoro asked. "I just don't want it to get wet and ruined." Sujin said looking at him with a smile and then making her way outside.

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