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They looked at each other and slowly turned around. Zoro and Sujin walked back the way they came from.


Zoro and Sujin were at the front part of the house. They both turn their heads when they hear the floor creaking.

It was Buchi.

He walked in front of them a couple feet away and pulled out knives.

"I thought we took out the trash." He said, referring to dumping Zoro's body down the well.

Zoro took out his sword and pushed Sujin behind him, she was going to get out her gun but realized she didn't have it on her.

Buchi and Zoro started fighting, their swords clinking against each hit they make. Grunts and groans filled the room, as well as they loud stomping.

Sujin snapped her head at the sound of hissing. Sham had appeared too. Attacking Zoro. It was now 1v2. Sujin looked around carefully to try and find a weapen she could use in the meantime to help Zoro.

She walked around the three fighting and caught a glimps of shiny pink.

It was a knife sitting on a chair. She quickly grabs it and helps Zoro to fight Sham and Buchi.

"Maybe this time, we keep his swords. We already got her gun." She heard Sham say, hearing the cocky smirk on her face too.

Sham runs at Zoro but Sujin jumped up a little, lifted up her leg, and kicked her hard. Sham lands on the ground with a loud and hard thud.

She gets back up and yells, again running at Zoro. They start to fight, Sham trying to stab him, but he always blocked her attempts.

Buchi jumped in too, now he was fighting Zoro. Sujin tried to help again but Zoro pushes her back, as to not get hurt.

She huffs, crosses her arms, rolls her eyes and goes against him. Sujin starts to fight Sham.

She manages to get a few cuts on Sham, but gets pinned down by her. "Now, now, princess. You think you're better than me?" Sham spoke so cocky and overly confident.

Sujin smirks and lifted her leg up kicking Sham off her. Sham goes flying into the wall next to them. Sujin gets up and runs at her.


Sujin and Zoro continue fighting the Black Cat Pirates. Who seem to be struggling with their strength.

Sujin and Sham somehow made their way to the stairs. But Sujin gives her one final kick, Sham rolls down the stairs and lands at the bottem.

Sujin and Zoro just look at the two pirates they are fighting with no emotion.


Sujin jumps down from the top of the stairs balcony. Landing gracefully and begins defending Zoro.

She is rolling her eyes every time Buchi yells for Sham to rescue him. "Sham!" Buchi yells

"Shut up!" Sujin screams with frustration and anger in her tone.

She switches with Zoro and fights Buchi instead. Kicking, punching, cutting, but no stabbing. Buchi somehow blocked her attempts at stabbing him, but only by half an inch.

Sujin can hear Zoro and Sham fighting, she glances over to see if he needed any help or support but looks like he's got in under control.

Zoro and Sujin watch as the two Black Cat Pirates slowly get up off the ground.

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