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~8 years old~

"Mommy, Mommy look! Daddy! Look I go A plus for me spelling!"

"Dear, how many times do we have to tell you not to interrupt while mommy and daddy are having an adult conversation?"

"I know but look my tea-"

"Honey, you're mother's right. We're having an adult conversation you need to wait. By the way, it's 'I got an A+ for my spelling.' Not how you said it."

"Honestly Dale, and she says she passed spelling? How about a grammar test?"

~13 years old~

I ran home in excitement. "Mom!"

"What, brat?"

"Mom! Where's dad?"

"He's at work! What do you want? Can't you see I'm trying to have a peaceful beer?"

"Mom...I just wanted to tell you and dad about my choir concert...the teacher wants us to invite all our family." I hand my mom the paper.

She snatched it. "Oh. What's this?"

"The concert information. I have a solo song, and a special part in 'True Colors'! I'm so excited to-"

"We're busy that day, sorry. Go get me another beer."

~17 years old~

My parents and I sat at our dinner table, spaghetti and meatballs was the meal.


"Yeah?" My mom.

"What?" My dad.

"I got asked to go to the winter formal..I was wondering if I had your permission to go."

"With a boy? Or did a friend ask you to go?" My dad asked.

"Well, this guy from my 4th period class. I believe you met him at the schools choir and band concert..."

"Absolutely not. You're not going with Colby, we don't like that boy."

"Actually Monica...Colby isn't a bad kid." My father spoke, for once in agreement with me.

"Dale, whose side are you on? I'm your wife."

My father looked between me and my mother.

"I'm sorry, dear. It looks like you can't go." He frowns.

That night I ran away. I packed all I could (laptop, phone, charger, school supplies, some clothes/makeup) and I left.

I didn't have a plan, until I found myself in my best friends doorstep.

It was there I would stay until I moved out on my own...just 3 short years later.

Not a word was heard from my parents.

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