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(I've only just realized I've been writing the way I didn't intend for it to go, but oh well)

After Seth had put everything away he explained to me that he had to go down and tell his buddies that he wouldn't be present for dinner.

"Why can't you just text them?" I asked.

"O-oh..well they are all gaming right now. They always ignore their phones for hours on end when they are in the.. 'zone'. I guess you could call it that." Seth tells me as he slips on his shoes.

"Why are you slippin your shoes on?"

"You sure ask a bunch of questions don't you?" Seth then asked me.

I apologized. I mean, I did think it was quite weird...but I wasn't about to say anything. At least not yet.

Seth leaves and closes the door behind him.

Was I going to follow him?

No. That's wrong.

I began getting out the ingredients for the pasta dish I was about to make.

It was a nice Cajun pasta recipe that I had found online. It had penne noodles, a delicate yet wonderfully spiced sauce, with summer sausage and grilled chicken.

I started the process in preparing the meal, starting off with the boiling water for the pasta.

As the water heated up I prepared my cut sausage and chicken, and last minute diced up some peppers and I mixed them all in the sauce.

I put those in a pan and began heating those up as well.

20 minutes had passed by and Seth still hadn't came back.

Did he forget the apartment number I was in?

Is he even going to come back?

He had to, he left his phone on my kitchen table.

Should I go through it?

No. I couldn't. What if he walked in?

I decided I wasn't going to snoop through the phone....at least not until after the food is finished.

I wasn't going to eat without Seth. That's rude.

Once the noodles were cooked perfectly and the saucy mixture was all heated up, I drained the pasta water, dumped the sauce into the noodles, and mixed together.

I placed the dinner pot into the microwave to keep it warm. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much longer for Seth's return.

After about 30 additional minutes of waiting, Seth still didn't come back.

If his phone wasn't locked I would call someone in his phone. But unfortunately I didn't know the password.

I was getting impatient, and very hungry.

Seth still wasn't there...I was actually beginning to worry.

Suddenly, a bright light beamed into my living room door. (The door that opens to the porch from the living room)

I was intrigued and partially scared so I looked out. I seen a figure wearing white shoes, but that was all I saw. They had a flashlight.

How do I know?

Because the beam of light was way too bright to belong to a phone.

I couldn't wait anymore...I was starving. I grabbed a bowl and a fork for myself and began to scoop some pasta into my bowl.

*knock* *knock*

Was that Seth?

I walked to the door and looked out the peep hole, surely it was Seth.

I quickly opened the door and ushered him inside.

"Where have you been?" I questioned him. "I was getting worried."

"Worried over a stranger?" He questioned me. "I'm just kidding with you. I was going to send you a message saying that my roommate was talking my head off...but then realized I didn't have it."

"Yeah...you left it on my table." I chuckled. "So, the food is ready now...if you want some?"

"Sure, I really appreciate it." He smiles as I hand him the bowl that was originally for me.

I grabbed a new one for myself, and sat next to Seth at the table, as we enjoyed the meal.

"You know...I think you're pretty cool." He complimented me.

"Really? Thanks! You're pretty cool yourself." I smiled to him.

"I appreciate that...really I do." He smiled back.

After a few minutes of us silently eating spoke up again.

"Seth would you like to stay the night tonight?" I asked him. "We could have a movie night?"


I nodded.

"Sure, it sounds awesome!"

~le time skip~

The next morning I rolled on the floor. "Ouch." I slightly groaned.

Wait, this was not my bedroom floor.

It was the living room.

I pushed myself off, and it was then I noticed the tall, skinny figure laying on my couch.

Was I really cuddles up with Seth last night?

I walked into my room, my actual bed room and searched in my dressers for the OOTD.

I softly hummed to myself as I got dressed. My eyes wandered over to the clock on my dresser.

"Shit!" I screamed.

I sped back into the living room waking Seth up.

"I hate to make this short but I got to leave. I'm gonna be late to my interview!" I said shaking him.

"Oh shit!" I better get out here then.

"I'm sorry! I'll text you later though I promise. Let me walk you to your apartment!" I said.

Seth and I eventually walk down the flights of stairs and he leads me to a door.

"That's me down there." He says pointing.

"Okay, I'll text you later. I promise."

"I loookf forward to it. Hug?" He asked.

I nodded and hugged him, accidentally stepping on his shoe causing him to tumble.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said helping him up. I looked down at his shoes. "Nice white shoes." I complimented.

"Thanks I...shit." Seth stopped. "Where is it?"

He frantically searched his pockets.




Seth looked to the ground and quickly picked up the item I'm assuming he meant.

"Got it." He said fast.

"Alright...well I'm going to go now. See you..." I said very confused but walked out the door.

I watched as Seth turned away.

I finally got in my car, which was in the back of the building.

"Phew. I can make it.." I assured myself.

"Wait...what's this?" I said staring at the scene through my rear view mirror.

Seth was walking to the woods...he had in white shoes, and a flashlight in hand.

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