Chapter 1

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"Okay your all set." I say to my final client of the day, thank fuck I'm ready to go home and get under my blankets and eat way too much junk food.

She gets up and mutters a small 'thank you' before she pays and leaves, I clean all my products and then start to wipe down the seating area, as I go to grab my purse and phone it starts to ring.

"Hello?" Shutting off the lights and walking out the door before locking up I wait for a response on the other end of the line, it was about 8:20pm now and dark as hell, I'm thankful they're street lights everywhere, I can't handle being in complete darkness, and now I was distracted on my phone, so it was the perfect opportunity for a middle aged creepy man to grab me then I'll never be seen again.

Okay maybe I'm just a little dramatic but the sleep that's soon to come has my brain all sorts of scrambled up.

"BITCH!" Ashlen my best friend, yells across the phone and it makes me smile, as I'm walking to the car I almost trip and fall on my face making me laugh a little before answering, "yes Ash?" "He texted me AGAIN I know you keep telling me to stand my ground but damn, I don't know how much longer I can stand." She sighs before letting out a bigger sigh.


"Whatttt?" She whines back.

"You said you weren't going to talk to him, what happened?" I sigh in disappointment before starting up my car, and pulling out the parking lot, she and her ex situation-ship Ryan have been on and off since last month, they were on the way to dating when she found out he was sending out his nudes to other girls and she swore to me she wasn't going to talk to him again after that, but he has been trying to win her back by sending her flowers and gifts, he bought her Chanel purses before as a forgive me gift, but she said she was going to take the gift without talking to him. I told her he was bad for her, but since she never had anyone care for her like him before she thinks that's the best she deserves.

"I know but Z he's becoming really hard to resist" Ashlen explains, but I still don't understand the fact of how he did that with someone who was his soon to be his girlfriend, it could be no telling what else he would've did if they were together.

"Ashlen stand up! Tell him that you don't want to talk to him anymore. Let alone see him." This makes her sigh again before muttering a small ok.

"Oh yea! I forgot to tell you something, but it has to wait because I want you to see it in person. It's kinda creepy....." She trails off. Creepy? I swear if this has anything to do with that sorry excuse of a BOY Ryan I'm going to lose my shit.

"Okay... I'll be home in about 2 minutes, see you soon." We say our goodbyes then hang up. As I'm driving down the empty roads I start to wonder what Ashlen needs to talk about.


When I arrive at my apartment I hang up my coat and purse on the coat rack, then bend down to slip off my shoes before walking towards Ashlen's room, "Ash?" I knock once before walking in and taking a seat on the bed.

"ZARA" She lunges at me, and shoves her extremely bright phone in my face, "damn bitch, your phone bright as hell," I scoot closer onto the bed to look at her phone, she giggles before letting me look.


Hi is this Ashlen Smith?                                                                                                                         read 8:30 PM
If so, we would like to contact you to be on our new show Love Games. We would be greatly appreciated if you do so decide to join us, contact back before 04/14/23, we will send the information needed once you have confirmed your decision, Hope to see you soon!
read 8:32 PM

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