Chapter 3

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As we're walking over I take a quick glance at Ashlen whose making google eyes with all 4 boys, I poke her side getting her out of her trance before saying, "Which one is your go to pick right now?" I raise my eyebrow at her as she smiles.

"I don't know they're all hot but I can't say anything until I get to know their personalities." She replies back, and gives me a light tap on the butt before hooking her arm around mines, I don't understand her reasoning for always trying to touch my ass, but I just let her be.

We come to a table with champagne and plastic cups with our names on them, "Damn this cute as fuck." I gasp, before grabbing my cup and gesturing towards the Australian man that holds the bottle of champagne, I learned his names is Alex, he has dirty blonde hair, and light green beautiful eyes, he smiles before taking my glass and pouring a little only to fill the bottom not even half way.

"C'mon Alex don't do me like that, I thought we were gonna be friends." I laugh snatching the bottle and my glass from him before pouring filling it the rest of the way up.

He laughs, and replies with. "We can be. Maybe, I don't really like brunettes like that, they're feisty." He scratches the back of his neck making a disgusted face, his accents heavy. I roll my eyes. "Okay nemesis. I'm going to remember that too, sleep with one eye open from now on." We both laugh before Niyah wraps a arm around me and Ash's neck.

"So tell us Fijians what's your type?" She looks between the both of us, watching me smile awkwardly, she soon lets go to grab her drink, "Well I'm definitely into all these boys, they're all attractive obviously. I'm more into brunettes you know. I like darker haired people but I can still make an exception, but it's more about personality for me, so I would need to talk to all of you to see." She smiles, flirting with all of them, She talks awfully a lot about personality but is with some stuck-up asshole

"I like that." Jake says, He's Asian? Korean? One of those he has a face and it's so cute, I just want to smoosh his cheeks like a grandma.

"What about you Zara?" Alex questions, turning the attention onto me. And I look at all of them. Alex, Jackson, Jake and Ryder I did catch his name as we were all introducing ourselves by the door he gave a quick hug, gave his name and let go. His accent was very heavy, I'm positive he said Ryder though.

"Well... like Ash said umm all of you are like really handsome." I take a look around again as Ryder catches my eye, but he doesn't waver, he stares me down. The his eyes slowly move down-wards locking onto my necklaces, then my bathing suit, down to my heels, I shift my legs a little and he locks his light colored chocolate eyes back to mine through his thick long lashes, and smirks before looking away, running a hand down his mouth, as his tongue runs over his pink full lips.

"And I do like to be with someone I'm attracted to but I also want to be with someone who I can connect with, and have fun with." I sneak a quick glance back to Ryder, though he wasn't paying attention, he was too busy sloshing the champagne in his glass, and that gave me a moment to analyze him, he had long dark brown hair cropped at about his ears which has small diamond in the left one, he's hot as fuck, I shift my thighs together just thinking about what is under his shirt, I can see his thick arms covered in black ink.

"Ahh, I see u have a taken a interest to my mate Ryder." Alex jumps, running over full speed to his friend who just laughs and takes a sip of his champagne, looking at the boy aggressively patting his back now.

"What?, no what makes you say that Alex?" I laugh, chugging my champagne before looking back up at the two totally different Aussies.

"I just know." He taps his brain before looking at Ryder who is giving him a blank stare, he rolls his eyes and walks back to his original spot.

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