Chapter 2

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warning*This is kind a long chapter*

Me and Ash have been running around like chickens all day, tomorrow is the day we supposedly get pick up and driven 3 hours away from home and to New Zealand, that's if this goes according to plan.

"I'm so fucking excited to fuck everybody." Ash says, eating a piece of a already skinned apple, I laugh at her and throw one of my fruit mixes at her which happens to be a huge chuck of pineapple and that makes me frown, she dodges it and laughs, then picks it up and toss it in the trash.

We went shopping yesterday and you would think it was Christmas the way we were just grabbing stuff and running around, to be honest I'm excited too. I hope to find someone believe it or not, I want one of those love story's people read about, but I could only wish.

"Come on Ash, we should get to sleep we don't want to miss our driver by oversleeping like we did for graduation." She laughs at my statement before parting our ways to our different room, not before she sneaks up behind me and send a full force smack to my ass making me squeal, and jump back in shock.

"Damnit you always get me." I roll my eyes at her, as she sprints back to her room cover her ass with her hands laughing.

I double check making sure I got everything before laying down and close my eyes to start dreaming of the day to come, I wonder if anyone else is there? Is this safe? Obviously not. I'm one dumb bitch for doing this but yolo right?

I want to finally get shit-faced and dance all over my man, not having to worry about the fact of someone drugging my drink, or getting home safe, because I know he will always make sure I am, the things we women have to go through everyday just to make sure we are safe is crazy, we can't even have fun anymore without worrying about all the things that could happen if you're not careful. Please let this be real. For the both of us.


I am awake from my sleep by screams and foot thumps smacking the floor, and I shoot up thinking I don't know, someone is trying to kid-nap sorry lady-nap Ash, she gets into a lot of things I have to get her out of.

"Ash?" I get up from my bed grabbing my phone off the charger then stuffing the charger into my bag, "ZARAAAA" She yells out, as I step out of my room, looking around confused. "What?"

"It's already 1:00 PM, we should've been up by now." As she says in the bathroom now I can see her wet hair sitting in a high bun as she brushes her teeth, "oh shit," I rush back to my room and grab both my bags sitting them at the door before grabbing a towel and going into the bathroom. Ashlen had just finished up in here I assumed now she went into her room to do her makeup, then pick out an outfit.

I quickly take a shower scrubbing away all of yesterday then hop out and grab my towel, and do my other business, before walking to Ash's room, "Ash, what are we suppose to wear?" I question watching her work vastly to get her makeup on, she's going for the more natural look with a little red eyeshadow.

"Well my text told me to dress comfortably then, I would get dropped off at a cabin house thing to put on my bathing suit and stuff, THEN, bitch we gonna ride a boat to the house." She bounces up and down in her seat excitedly before shooing me out so I can get dressed.

I just mostly focus on my makeup since we are going to be changing after the road trip. It's about 1:55 PMwhen I finish up my makeup since my lashes are already done I don't have to worry about them.

I just grab some regular black sweat pants and a light green cropped tank top with some black shoes. After tossing all my makeup and stuff back into my bags at the front door I raid the kitchen for a quick snack.

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