I Hate My Mom

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Be- Casey grabbed and threw her alarm clock at the window, it made a loud bang as it hit the closed window and fell to the floor.

"Good Morning Casey! Come downstairs before breakfast gets cold" Casey heard her dad call out to her. "I can't I'm dead!" She called back, pulling the covers back over her as her dad responded "Well I guess no pancakes for you then," Casey paused, questioning if it was even worth it. "or I can just give them to your brothe-"

Her dad smiled as he heard his eldest running around upstairs, probably knocking stuff over as she slammed her bedroom door shut, making him flinch slightly as she scrambled down the stairs.
He picked up a plate that already had some chocolate covered pancakes on it with syrup and butter and slid it across the counter as Casey came running around the corner. "HANDS OFF MARKO!!"

Marko, her little brother with peach skin messy brown hair and brown eyes and chubby cheeks, wearing a blue shirt with red shorts and white socks just stared at her confused as she grabbed hold of the empty door frame to prevent herself from slamming into the counter again. "I havint ewven kouched twem yet!" He said with his mouth stuffed with his own pancakes that were cut in the shape of a dinosaur. Casey caught her breath for a second and moved her long orange curls out of her face. "I knew that!" She picked up her plate and sat herself down in between her brother and half baby sister, who was still asleep but sitting up in her baby chair. She had type 5 skin with frizzy black hair and brown eyes.

"You know I wouldn't do that to you." He said as he walked over to the pantry to grab some baby food. "I know, but I also know that this one would take them regardless if he had permission or not." Casey said as she side eyed her little brother. Marko tried to say something back but his mouth was so stuffed he had to keep chewing for a while before he could swallow.

"Slow down Mark, you're going to choke one day if you keep eating like that." Marko said something in response but it was too muffled by the food for him to understand "Swallow before you speak Marko." He said as he opened the pineapple flavored baby food, setting the lid on the counter he picked up a dark pink baby spoon and took a scoop, bringing the spoon close to Shellie but stopped himself from going closer. Casey could've sworn she heard her baby sis sniff the air a little bit, she opened her eyes and saw the spoon with food. She opened her mouth and Dad fed her the food.

"I'm willing to bet-" Marko began to say but paused and took another bite of the pancake. "That Shellie can sleep through a hurricane."

"She can barely sleep through rain hitting her window, there's no way she'll even sleep through a thunderstorm any time soon." Casey said, taking a bite of her pancakes. "I'll take that bet!" Marko said before he took a sip from his cup of orange juice.

"So where'd you run off to last night?" Casey froze for a second before taking another bite of her food. "Somewhere you know..." She could've sworn he was asleep before she snuck out, she even checked on him to make sure.... Unless- Casey internally groaned at the thought, her stepmom had a camera attached to her car. And she had completely forgotten about it. "Casey, your business is all yours, but if you wanted to go out you could've at least let me know and I would've given you my car. Because you're staying home today." Casey looked at her Father, "You make it sound like skipping school is a bad thing."

"Because you're getting a LDCT scan." Casey nearly choked on her food when she heard that. "What the f-..." She trailed off as she caught my father's disapproving glare, almost daring me to finish my sentence "...- why!?"

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